King's Business - 1951-01

Minneapolis, Minnesota; Dr. Harry Rimmer, President, Research Science Bureau, Santa Monica, California; Dr. 0. Vansteenberghe, Co-Director, Belgian Gospel Mission, Inc., Phila­ delphia, Pa.; Dr. John F. Walvoord, Assistant to the President, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas. The Press and The Christian W o r ld Radio Bible Talks Mutual Broadcasting Company has invited Dr. Francis C. Stifler of the American Bible Society to give a serious of nine talks on the Bible over the coast-to-coast network. In January the subjects will b e : January 2, “ The Bible Through the Centuries;” January 9, “ Reading the Bible;” Jan­ uary 16, “ Living the Bible;” January 23, “ Sharing the Bible;” and January 30, “ The Bible in Communist China.” More Television The Word of Life program broad­ cast by Jack Wyrtzen in New York City has recently opened another key television station on the ABC Net­ work and will be heard over WJZ-TV every Saturday night from 11:15 to 11:45. Saturday night at this time is an excellent time to reach the crowds in the world’s largest city. Many Christian leaders feel very strongly that the churches are not taking ad­ vantage of the amazing opportunities offered by the television medium. Interdenominational Foreign Missions Lansing, Michigan, was the scene of the annual meeting of the Inter­ denominational Foreign Mission As­ sociation of North America, repre­ senting more than 144 missionaries working in all the major mission fields of the world. This Association now has world coverage and the represen­ tatives touched every phase o f mis­ sionary activities. Dr. Ralph T. Davis was elected president for the current year. 1 Sunday School Convention Last November saw the fifth In­ ternational Sunday School Convention held in Philadelphia’s Town Hall, sponsored by the National Sunday School Association and the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. The meetings were marked by a deep sense of spiritual unity although more than thirty denominations were represent­ ed. The 1951 Convention will probably be held in Detroit.

governs in the Affairs o f Men! And if a Sparrow cannot fall to the Ground without His Notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without His Aid? We have been as­ sured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this;—and I also be­ lieve that without His concurring Aid we shall succeed in this political Building no better than the Builders of Babel. We shall be divided by our little partial local Interests, our Proj­ ects will be confounded and we our­ selves shall become a Reproach and a Byeword down to future Ages. And what is worse, Mankind may here­ after, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Government by human Wisdom, and leave it to Chance, War or Conquest. “ I therefore beg leave to move, “ That henceforth Prayers, implor­ ing the Assistance of Heaven, and its Blessings on our Deliberation, be held in this Assembly every Morning before we proceed to Business; and that one or more of the Clergy of this City be requested to officiate in that Service.” You may recognize the above as the Benjamin Franklin motion for pray­ ers in the Constitutional Convention held at Philadelphia 164 years ago, in the year 1787. We wonder if truer words or more timely have ever been spoken. 1951 Torrey Memorial Bible Conference C HRISTIAN people in Southern California are reminded of the feast of spiritual good things that will be theirs at the 16th Annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference to be held beginning Sunday, January 14, and continuing through Sunday, January 21. Meetings will be held in the audi­ torium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door, also in the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena; First Baptist Church, Montebello; First Brethren Church, Long Beach. The following speakers will bring mes­ sages on the general theme: “ Behold I Come Quickly”—Dr. Paul R. Bau­ man, Executive Vice President, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana; Dr. E. B. Jones, Executive Director, Religious Analysis Service, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Rev. J. Ar­ thur Mouw, missionary to Borneo, Glendale, California; Dr. Paul S. Rees, Pastor, First Covenant Church,

well-known books, Dr. Bauman seemed to specialize in calling the attention of the Christian public to the great prophetic signs of the times. To Mrs. Retta Virginia Bauman, his beloved widow, and to Dr. Paul R. Bauman, Executive Vice President of Grace Theological Seminary, the en­ tire staff of the Bible Institute ex­ tends deep sympathy. But we rejoice with them over the spiritual life of this godly man of whom it could truly be said: he has fought a good fight, he has finished his course, and he has kept the faith. A Suggestion To Governments ® HE small Progress we have made after 4 or 5 weeks close Attend­ ance and continual Reasoning with each other, our different Sentiments on almost every Question, several of the last producing as many Noes as Ayes is methinks a melancholy Proof of the Imperfection of the Human Under­ standing. We indeed seem to feel our own Want of political Wisdom, since we have been running all about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient History for Models of Gov­ ernment, and examin’d the different Forms of those Republicks which, having been originally form’d with the Seeds of their own Dissolution, now no longer exist. And we have view’d modern States all round Eu­ rope, but find none of the Constitu­ tions suitable to our Circumstances. “ In this Situation of this Assembly, groping, as it were in the dark, to find Political Truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of Lights to illuminate our Understand­ ings? In the Beginning of the Contest with Britain, when we were sensible o f Danger, we had daily Prayers in this Room for the Divine Protection. Our Prayers, Sir, were heard,—and they were graciously answered. All of us, who were engaged in the struggle, must have observ’d frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favour. To this kind Providence we owe this happy Opportunity of Con­ sulting in Peace on the Means of establishing our future national Felicity. “ And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend—or do we imagine we no longer need its Assistance! I have liv’d, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth,—that God

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