

When confronted with a problem person: 1. Get assistance from a colleague and call 911 if there is any doubt about your personal safety or the safety of those around you. If the person verbalizes or engages in physical violence have someone call 911 immediately. 2. Be calm and polite but firm. Maintain an outward appearance of composure. This helps to defuse tension. 3. Separate the person from others but remain in the public eye; get help from other staff. Do not take the person or allow yourself to be taken to a private area. 4. Be aware of your surroundings. Do not let the person put you into a corner or other position from which you can’t flee. Keep the person at least a leg-length away so they can’t reach you. 5. Evaluate the situation and think carefully before responding. 6. Try to remain attentive, concerned, and avoid using a tone of voice which is loud, condescending, or moralistic. Empathize with the person, acknowledge their feelings. 7. Listen carefully for clues as to the person’s motivation and likely causes of behavior. 8. Do not physically touch, crowd, or confront the person.


If you observe someone with a weapon or hear shots: 1. Call 911 immediately. If you observe someone whom you believe might be in possession of a weapon call 911. 2. Observe at a distance and provide the following information to the Police Department, if possible: (1) Your exact location and the location of the person or persons involved. (2) What is currently happening or what has happened. Are there injuries? (3) A detailed description of the person or persons involved, including gender, race, clothing, cap or hat, shoes and distinguishing characteristics such as facial hair, glasses, etc. (4) Describe the weapon involved, if known.

(5) Describe any vehicle(s) that may be involved and license number(s) if available. 3. Under no circumstances should you confront a person whom you believe is armed.

4. If you are in harm’s way, take cover as quickly as possible. Close and lock doors, stay away from windows and take cover under furniture, etc. If you are outside a building, move away from the situation as quickly as possible and take cover. 5. Ensure your personal safety and the safety of those around you, to the maximum extent possible. 6. Do not attempt to rescue casualties. You may become the next victim.


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