ALEXIA MARSILLO alexia.marsillo@eap.on.ca EMBRUN PANTHERS BEAT CANADIANS, LOSE TO WESTPORT Spencer Marshall. Jeremy Cyr then gave the lead back to the Panthers with his goal at 11:08. the end of the first period, in what was an entertaining first twenty minutes.
While they took the win away, the Panthers suffered a tough loss at home on the next night. Embrun started the game off strong, taking the lead 2-0 within the first three minutes of the game, thanks to goals by Alex Rossides and Jacob Lamont. Their op- ponents, the Westport Rideaus then scored one of their own, by Hugh McHugh. The Panthers advanced their lead once more with a goal by Aidan Whynot nearing
Westport player Brock Boisclair scored the only goal of the second period, narrowing Embrun’s lead to 3-2. Michael Armstrong saved the day with his third-period goal, tying it up for the Rideaus. Michael Anson got the final word for Westport with his quick goal a minute into the overtime period.
The Embrun Panthers beat the Carleton Place Canadians over the weekend, but were then defeated in overtime by Westport. Jacob Lamont opened the scoring of the game with his late first-period goal for the Panthers, during an away game on November 17. The second period was scoreless, but the Canadians managed to tie the game at 8:30 of the third period with a goal by
The Canadians fought tooth and nail until the end, pulling their goalie at the end of the third period to try to tie the game. Cyr then took the opportunity to score an empty-netter for his second goal of the game, securing the win for Embrun. He was named the first star of the game. His goaltender Joshua Ivanski was second star, while Carleton Place player Spencer Marshall came in third.
ANNUAL FIRST HUNT PROGRAM FOR YOUTH Participants in the program will spend three weeks of classroom-style training in the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, the Ontario Hunter Education Course, and presentations from local trappers, hunters, and conservation officers.
Registration is open again for the Annual First Hunt program for young hunters. The South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) and Delta Waterfowl partner again for the 11 th Annual First Hunt Program to provide young hunters, ages 12 to 15, with an opportunity for safe instruction and development of their sustainable hunting skills under the guidance of experienced mentors. “We’re training the conservationists of tomorrow to respect personal safety, wild- life, habitat, and private property,” stated Philip Duncan, SNC property and approvals assistant and one of the program mentors.
Following successful completion of their classroom instruction, the young hunters will take part in their first supervised hun- ting trip. Program registration is free and all costs, including meals, training, and manuals, are covered by program organizers. For more information on program registration, contact Duncan at 1-877- 984-2948, ext 292 or at pduncan@nation. on.ca. —EAP newsroom
CAROLINE PRÉVOST caroline.prevost@eap.on.ca
Deux jours plus tard, les Vikings de Cas- selman ont été défaits 4-2 par les Golden Knights d’Ottawa West. L’équipe d’Ottawa West a compté son premier but en première période. Aucun autre but n’a été marqué durant cette période. Puis, une minute après le début de la deuxième période, les Golden Knights ont ajouté un autre but à leur pointage. Le Viking Jason Cossette a répliqué quelques minutes plus tard. En troisième période, les Golden Knights ont de nouveau trouvé le fond du filet. Joshua Péladeau des Vikings a ensuite compté le deuxième but de son équipe. Les Golden Knights ont confirmé leur victoire en comp- tant leur quatrième but à 12 minutes 37 secondes en dernière période. Le prochain match des Vikings a lieu le 22 novembre contre les Kings de Whitewater au Complexe J.R. Brisson. L’équipe de Casselman se rendra à Brockville le 28 novembre prochain pour affronter les Tikis. Puis, le 29 novembre, ils seront au Complexe J.R. Brisson pour affronter les Panthères d’Embrun dans le cadre du Festival de Noël de Casselman.
Les Vikings de Casselman ont ajouté une nouvelle victoire à leur fiche la se- maine dernière contre les Timberwolves de Renfrew, avant de subir une défaite contre les Golden Knights d’Ottawa West. Vikings 5, Timberwolves 1 Les Vikings se sont imposés dans leur match contre les Timberwolves de Renfrew, le 15 novembre dernier au Complexe J.R. Boisson, en le remportant au compte de 5-1. Le premier but de l’équipe de Casselman a été compté à 10 minutes 13 secondes en première période par Mathieu Talbot. Quatre autres buts consécutifs se sont ensuite ajoutés au pointage de l’équipe, des buts comptés en première, deuxième et troisième période par les joueurs Jos- hua Péladeau, Shawn Patterson, Frédérick Gagnier et Brandon Légaré. L’unique but des Timberwolves a été compté en dernière période par Brad Benvenuti.
DISPONIBLE POUR OCCUPATION IMMÉDIATE Le Saule et Le Charme dans la Communauté de la Promenade Quatre Saison, au coeur d’Embrun, au long de la rivière Castor, gym, salle communautaire, tennis, shuffl e board, quai, gazebos et encore plus…
The Casselman Vikings added another win to their record last week against the Renfrew Timberwolves, before losing to the Ottawa West Golden Knights. The next Vikings’ game was held on November 22 against the Whitewater Kings at the J.R. Brisson Complex. Casselman’s team will travel to Brockville on November 28 to face the Tikis. Then, on November 29, they will be at the J.R. Brisson Complex to face the Embrun Panthers, as part of the Casselman Christmas Festival. —archives
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