outside-in planning curriculum

The transition from a time-phased data paradigm to conceptualize demand as a value stream. Learn the language of outside-in-demand processes. (Demand latency, market drivers, shaping/shifting, baseline demand, bullwhip impact, etc).

Homework: Using COV and volume as insights, map the river of demand for an organization. Build a river of demand.

March 18/(20) Class 4. Bi-directional orchestration and redefining supply

Understanding variability and the impact of the bullwhip. Sensing, translation, and process latency. How to define and drive bi-directional orchestration. What is the role of inventory in the outside-in process? Hear directly from the testers. What can we learn? Unlearn?

Homework: Build a use case for bi-directional orchestration and an unlearning matrix.

Build a taxonomy for an outside-in planning process.

March 25/(27) Class 5. Wrap-up and next steps

Sharing of homework and insights. How do we drive unlearning and build a guiding coalition?

Homework: Write a Wall Street Journal article.

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