Full Potential. Letter From The Owner

Hello From the Owner

Ask yourself this question– “What would feel better six months from now?”

4. You may have to miss events in life you would like to participate; you become more of a spectator or even that is difficult to do (sitting for long periods is not easy, especially on bleachers). Simple activities like playing with your kids or grandkids are not as possible. Life is often about family and social events, and not enjoying or missing such a fundamental part of life is certainly a loss for people in chronic pain. 5. Your problem may get worse and so you get forced into solutions that are more expensive and invasive (surgery and injections) which often have negative side effects and risks. 6. Being in pain and less active can lead to other health problems with depression, weight gain, deconditioning and arthritis. The hole gets deeper and makes the job of getting better “someday” less real. Pain and inactivity become the new norm. 7. Many people in chronic pain are emotionally more stressed and less enjoyable to be around. They are grumpy; people tend to stay away and they become more isolated and lonely. This costs someone in deep ways as their relationships suffer. 8. If you use painmedication as a primary solution, it usually has associated negative side effects. It would be hard to not be aware of the opioid epidemic gripping the US now. Painmediation does not treat the problem, it only covers it up to make the moment bearable but the future is not any brighter. When the future is hopeful, life feels lighter and you are more energetic to make something happen. Always sacrificing your body’s future to save money will eventually give you no future. 9. How much money did you not make because you were caught in the pain trap? 10. How many flair ups happen per year which completely sets you on your back and cause loss in wages, time, energy, and confidence in your body to handle life?

a. I chose to not do PT and continue coping with the pain and limitations but I am not in more financial debt but my life is full of loss from numbers 1-10. b. I chose to do PT and really committed to helping myself get better but had to go into debt to do so. I am really feeling good and in control of my pain problem and I am not trapped by numbers 1-10 anymore; I actually understand how to help myself now. The future looks much brighter; I am actually more productive and can work more and can actually payoff my PT debts more easily. People I have treated who followed plan b. were overwhelming pleased with their decision when they finished their program. Their attention was not on the debt they may have incurred but on how much brighter their future had become and how much more opportunity there was to enjoy life and advance themselves. Our lives are really not very long and watching it pass by because of pain and its limitations makes it even shorter. Full Potential has helped thousands of people get back into life. (See the Success Story in this newsletter for one person’s account of how life changed for them) What plan b. is called is an investment. PT can pay back its benefits for years and years if you apply what you learn. Decide to invest in yourself in 2019 and get a solution that can reap benefits for years to come.

To your decision to get healthy,

Vincent Hanneken, PT Owner and the Full Potential Staff


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