Mae Jeon digital artworks

She received the 2010 California Award from the Latino America Museum, Ontario, CA; the Best Work Prize in the 2012 International Monoprint show at the Museum of Americas; and First Prize in the 2017 Woman in Art show at Impulse Arts Inc. in Houston. In 2020 she received the Works on Paper Award at the 131st annual exhibition of the National Association of Women Artists. Mae Jeon’s digital work has been featured in over 40 books and magazines in the USA and Europe. She is a certified artist of the Museum of the Americas in Florida. Mae was born in Seoul, Korea, the second child of eight siblings. At 12 years old, she fell in love with watercolor painting when a private tutor taught her this art form. In high school, she regularly participated in workshop programs that allowed students to experiment in watercolor, oil painting, and charcoal drawing workshops. In 1971 Mae earned a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from Hong -Ik University in Seoul. After graduating, she moved to Tokyo, Japan for 14 months to work as a designer intern at Shiseido, a prestigious cosmetics company. While in Tokyo, she took the opportunity to regularly visit galleries in Ginza. During her time in Tokyo that she was especially inspired by surreal art. Subsequently, she created artwork with mixed media and exhibited her first solo show at the Korean Cultural Center in Tokyo in 1972. She later returned to Seoul, where she worked with a cosmetics company designing packages, posters, and catalogs, also illustrating for the company magazine. While working as a designer she also earned a master’s degree in commercial art from Hong -ik University. After marrying, Mae and her husband immigrated to the USA, settling in Cleveland, Ohio for nine months. Then, she decided to make a short trip to New York to seek a job in the art field. During this trip she was hired as a staff designer with a company of sports cards and bubble gum products. She worked there for over 20 years while raising her two sons. Since 1985, Mae has lived in Staten Island, New York with her family, which is where she started her digital art, working in a corner of her living room. In 2014, Mae moved to her current home and art studio, the place she fell in love with at first sight.

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