The Wedge November 2018


This year, Veterans Day takes on particular historic significance: Nov. 11, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. Countries around the world will commemorate the signing of this peace agreement with moments of silence, centennial ceremonies, and historical exhibits. Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day is a celebration of life. It’s a day to honor the power of peace and the living veterans across the globe who have served their countries. This November, take a moment to remember the war that helped shape the international community’s dedication to peace and thank the individuals who served to defend it.

Empire by a Serbian nationalist provided the spark that would eventually burn down much of Europe. A chain reaction of land disputes, pre-emptive attacks, and strategic alliances brought over 30 countries into World War I. The Great War that ravaged Europe resulted in a devastating loss of life, but from those ashes rose a renewed appreciation for the importance of peace and a global effort to ensure its place in the future. In 1918, Germany surrendered unconditionally, and the armistice ended the fighting at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, though the war did not officially end until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles the following July. An estimated 16 million soldiers and civilians died in just four years, making it one of the deadliest conflicts in modern history. The Restoration of Peace

Veterans Day

Originally called Armistice Day, Veterans Day was first observed on Nov. 11, 1919, to honor the one-year anniversary of the armistice, and it became a U.S. holiday in 1938. Today, Veterans Day celebrates veterans who served their country honorably. The U.K., France, Australia, and Canada also commemorate their veterans in November. If you know a veteran, thank them for their service this month.

The Great War

By 1914, a world war had been years in the making, but the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian


How many new producers do you have to hire to find one or two who will not only make it in the industry but will produce large books of business? Research on the matter says that really good agencies will get 5 or 6 great producers out of 10 hires. The really ineffective agencies will get about 1 out of every 10. Everyone else fits in the middle. Is it a numbers game? Can hiring be improved? One of the best ratios I’ve experienced is 29 out of 34. Basically, 34 producers were hired, and 29 of them were still producing for us after a 10-year period. These hires produced annually renewable revenue of $17.5 million by the end of that decade. Now, that’s a pretty big number.

think that estimate is high, but considering the hard and soft costs, the numbers really add up. I’ll give you a few more numbers to consider. You need to interview someone at least four times to get a real picture of who they are. Also, a producer needs to rank at least a seven, eight, or nine on drive, or you’re hiring an account manager. Plus, a producer needs to complete at least three homework assignments for you to determine their work ethic.

4. The ability to be book and street coachable (or they won’t learn from mistakes)

5. Economic drive (or they will quit when they make more than they spend)

In addition, a producer needs to exhibit all five of these characteristics:

When you look at the big picture, hiring new producers is a numbers game, but not in the way you might think. It shouldn’t be a high- risk adventure; it should be a predictable process. For more information, go to .

1. The ability to deal with rejection

2. The ability to build relationships

Here’s another big number: A failed hire will cost on average about $250,000. You might

3. Intelligence

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