Ed.D. Directory

Cohort 7

Jennifer Herek EDUCATION • Ph.D. in Chemical Physics California Institute of Technology • B.A. in Chemistry Lawrence University

ENROLLED • Cohort 7

LOCATION • Enschede, Netherlands

Jennifer Herek’s academic career spans more than three decades and four countries, where she has worked as a researcher, educator, and administrator. Her commitment to educational sustainability was born from the changes she has witnessed in academia, as the role of universities evolve to better serve the needs of students and society at large. She is inspired by the concept of a fourth generation university, in which relevant stakeholders in the community co-create the research and education agenda. Having held academic appointments in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands, Jennifer is internationally recognized in the field of ultrafast laser spectroscopy, with more than 80 peer-reviewed publications. In 2006 she became professor of physics and chair of the Optical Sciences group at the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at the University of Twente. In addition to research, she took up prominent roles in education and outreach and became a mentor for younger international and female colleagues. In 2012 she was appointed founding Dean of the University College Twente, which offers a unique BSc engineering program inspired by the American model of liberal arts colleges. She is now a full-time administrator and academic leader, serving as Dean of the Faculty of Science & Technology and part of the Strategic Board of the University of Twente. In addition, she is currently Vice President of CESAER, an association of 60 universities of science and technology that advocates for advancing European research and education agendas. She defines her purpose as creating conditions for others to thrive, based on core values of openness, inclusion, and excellence. She is driven to make positive impact and seeks opportunities for continuous professional development. The Educational Sustainability program provides an opportunity to develop new competencies and contribute to positive change in higher education.

UW-Stevens Point


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