Ed.D. Directory

Cohort 6

Maria Snarski

EDUCATION • M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language University of Illinois • B.A. in Political Science University of Illinois

ENROLLED • Cohort 6

LOCATION • Dulles, Va.

Maria Snarski has been a foreign service specialist serving as a Regional English Language Officer (RELO) with the U.S. Department of State since 2004. She has served in several countries managing English language programs for the U.S. Embassies in Turkey, South Africa, Pakistan, India, and Brazil. Maria has worked with educators, students, teachers associations, and governments to support their efforts to develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate English programs. Maria’s focus is on programs that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility while providing English language skill development. One of the flagship programs of the RELOs worldwide is called the English Access Microscholarship program, which provides English language skill development for lower socioeconomic citizens who otherwise might not get the chance to develop their English skills and apply for other opportunities in the job market, further study, or trainings. Maria has been an educator for over 30 years, has worked in over 20 countries, and believes deeply in the power of having flexible skillsets including critical thinking to better adapt to and protect the changing world. Maria was drawn to the Ed.D. program at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in order to weave in more concrete concepts of transformative learning, systems thinking, diversity and social justice into the work she already does with a view to sharing ideas with colleagues on educational sustainability principles in the creation, implementation, oversight, and evaluation of U.S. Department of State programs for good stewardship of funding and good stewardship of the earth.

UW-Stevens Point


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