
Joyeuses Fêtes Season’s Greetings

Opt for quality when it comes to your children

approved by con­ sumer associations.

suited to their reading level and you’ll boost their learning and academic abilities.

to movies or TV programs; although very appealing, they are often of poor quality and probably won’t be popular for very long.

Two to three years old

One last tip: resist buying products related

For toddlers, opt for toys made of durable, non-toxic materials (blocks, crayons, stacking rings). Choose dolls with well-made clothes that are at­ tached with Velcro. For preschool chil­ dren, offer good quality gifts that develop fine motor skills and the ability to solve problems (number and letter games, hidden ob­ Four to five years old

Il n’y a pas de moment mieux choisi pour vous dire «MERCI», et vous souhaiter de Joyeuses Fêtes, ainsi que santé et prospérité pour la nouvelle année.

ere is no better time to say “THANK YOU” and to wish you Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year!

P oorlymade toys toooftenappear under the Christmas tree and end up in the garbage before spring has even arrived. To avoid this kind of wastefulness, focus on toys that have been tested and

ject games, jigsaw puzzles).

Six to seven years old Older children are stimulated by board games, science games and creativematerials (painting, jewelry making). Choose books

La direction et le personnel de DAN R. EQUIPMENT 755, ch. du comté 9, Plantagenet, Ontario

Do you know the trick of rotating toys? To keep children from quickly losing interest in all their many gifts, savvy parents hide some toys for a while and leave others out for play. After a couple of months, they switch them around. That way, children get excited all over again about their toys, even the older ones.

DAN R. WINCHESTER 2301, autoroute 31, Winchester, Ontario

613 673-5129

613 774-1616

Meilleurs vœux de santé , bonheur et de sourire parfait en ce temps des Fêtes ! Wishing you health , happiness and a perfect smile in this Holiday Season!

Nicholas Fournier Denturologiste /Denturist

613 446-3336

Embrun • Rockland • Casselman

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