LintEater® Operator Manual | RLE202

Addi ti onal Cleaning Methods

Method 1

Using the dryer to blow the lint out while rotary brushing

The “Dryer Adapter” has a built-in guard to prevent the rota ti ng Auger Brush from entering the dryer thus preven ti ng damage to the blower wheel within the dryer.

Pic of Dryer Adapter Hook- up from page 20 of current manual

a) Place the Dryer Adapter on the back of the dryer.

Pic of Dryer Adapter Hook- up from page 20 of current manual

b) Connect the vent to the adapter and secure with duct tape.

c) With the dryer running, go to the exterior and begin rotary brushing from outside as described earlier. Important: Be sure to remove the Dryer Adapter when you have completed the cleaning as it will collect lint if le ft in place during normal opera ti on of the dryer. Note: Eye protec ti on & a respirator must be worn as the loosened lint will be blown out toward you.


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