2024-2025 Warm Weather UnCruise Adventures Brochure

Inside Passage with Olympic National Park & 2 Days in Glacier Bay 12 NIGHTS | SEATTLE, WA TO JUNEAU, AK (or reverse) FROM: $ 61 00 | May & Sept 2024 | Apr, May & Sept 2025 2024 S afari Explorer, S afari Quest , Safari Endeavour & Wilderness Legacy

Cruise Alaska ’ s and Canada ’ s Inside Passages Visit Glacier Bay National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Olympic National Park Margerie and Grand Pacific Glaciers and LeConte Bay iceberg gardens Adventure activities at Hurricane Ridge, Tongass National Forest, and Misty Fjords National Monument Wilderness kayaking, paddle boarding, skiffing, and hiking Educational presentations by onboard expedition team Thomas Bay & Baird Glacier Spirit Bear search area Pacific Northwest natural history and culture Watch for whales and wildlife in Icy Straits Whales and wildlife, kayaking and hiking. Thirteen days take you through Canada ’ s Inside Passage and Southeast Alaska — plus remote wilderness, native culture, and Pacific Northwest natural history. Included Highlights


Learn more . For all current pricing and special offers, please contact UnCruise Reservations at 1 - 888 - 862 - 8881; visit our website www.uncruise.com or contact your travel advisor.

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