2024-2025 Warm Weather UnCruise Adventures Brochure

Darwin’s Discoveries — the Galápagos Islands 7 NIGHTS | ROUNDTIP GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR FROM: $9,595| Feb-Oct 2024 La Pinta

Darwin’s discoveries in the Galápagos had a profound impact on the way we understand the world. Cruise among these notable islands where adventure, culture, wildlife, and discovery awaits you.

Included Highlights UNESCO World Heritage Site, Galápagos Islands One night pre-cruise hotel stay at the riverfront Guayaquil Wyndham Six-night Galapagos cruise aboard La Pinta Set foot on seven islands and islets Charles Darwin Research Center Nesting birds and wildlife in their natural habitat View marine life by snorkel, panga, and glass-bottom boat as c ertified guides escort small groups of 12 Roundtrip air between Guayaquil and Galapagos Alcoholic beverages on La Pinta



Learn more at: uncruise.com/pages/darwins-discoveries- galapagos-7-nights

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