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October 28, 1951 THE DISCIPLINES OF ADVERSITY Ex. 1:7-14; 2:23-25 Pointers on the Lesson
They occupied a very favorable position at the northeast gateway to the land to effect such an alliance (vv. 9, 10). Pharaoh devised the plan of putting the Israelites to hard labor so that they would have no time or energy to do anything which he conceived to be detri mental to his kingdom (w . 11, 13, 14). But Pharaoh’s plan did not succeed (v. 12). It is futile to work against God’s plans and purposes. It is interesting to note that archeology has unearthed one of the store cities mentioned in v. 11, Pithom. The findings have corroborated the Biblical story in remarkable detail. God Remembering Ex. 2:23-25 In all their sufferings God had not forgotten His people. He was teaching them to rely upon Him more fully. As “ their cry came up unto God” (v. 23), He heard them and “ remembered his covenant” which He had made with them in times that were past (v. 24). Fur thermore, He proceeded to do something about their condition (v. 25). The chap ters that follow tell of God’s dealings with His people in releasing them from bondage. Thus it is often the experience of God’s children that they are led through suffering into places of greater blessing and usefulness. The Hebrew people who came to Egypt in the time of famine, decided to remain in that land. Rapidly they increased in number until they filled the land. A new king who did not know Joseph became ruler of Egypt. He be came afraid that the Hebrews would decide to war against his people. The king made the Hebrews work hard build ing cities for him. Finally the king told his people that every Hebrew boy who was born should be killed so that the Hebrews would not increase in number so rapidly. At last the king commanded that each boy born to a Hebrew family should be thrown into the river. In one of the Hebrew homes a son was born. His parents knew that God had a plan for their baby’s life. For three months they hid their baby. Each time that he cried they quickly quieted him that the Egyptian soldiers might not hear the noise. At last the baby became too big to hide any longer. His mother made him a little basket of bulrushes from the banks of the river and lined it with material 1to make it waterproof. She placed her baby in the basket with a prayer for God’s protection for him. Miriam, the older sister, hid herself along the bank of the river to see what might happen to her brother. The king’s daughter came to the river with her servants to wash herself. When she saw the basket she sent one of her servants to bring it to her. When she opened the Helps for the Children A Hebrew Family in Trouble Ex. 1:7; 2:10 Memory Verse: “The Lord is my helper . . . I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Heb. 13:6).
God often leads His children in diffi cult ways to bring about the end He has in view for them. Things did not look very bright for the children of Israel when they were forced to go down into Egypt during a time of famine to obtain bread. But through a strange providence it was arranged through Joseph that his brethren should locate in a most favorable section of the land. As a result they prospered and multiplied. Then an unfavorable king came to the throne who became fearful of the prosperity and multiplication of the children of Israel. He reduced the latter to a condition of servitude and sought to slay the male offspring so as to weaken God’s people. But in all these circumstances God was with His people and was preparing them for a> world wide ministry. So today God sometimes sees fit to let His children go through the furnace of affliction before He leads them into the Promised Land of blessing. Israel Prospering Ex. 1:7 In a very evident way God was now beginning to fulfill the promise He made to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3). Providen tially, He had situated His people in a very fruitful land and adding to this He doubtless worked miraculously to ward their multiplication so that they soon “waxed exceeding mighty.” Ac cording to another, Egypt was a land where “mothers produced three and four sometimes at a birth” and surpassed all others in fruitfulness. (Jamieson & Fausset Commentary, en loco). Then if we add to this natural condition the supernatural multiplicity and preserva tion of God, it is readily understood how Israel became such a great nation in such a short time. Israel Suffering Ex. 1:8-14 Following Joseph’s time a new dynasty of kings came to the throne. This dy nasty was native Egyptian and hated the Israelites, partly at least because they were shepherds (Gen. 46:34). The previous dynasty were foreign kings who had usurped power in Egypt and were shepherds themselves, hence they were called Shepherd or Hyksos kings. They were also Asiatic in origin and of a Semitic background. Thus they had a number of things in common with the Israelites and it is not difficult to see why they would get along well with the sons of Jacob. However, this new dy nasty “knew not Joseph” (v. 8) in any good sense. This meant hardship for the children of Israel. The new Pharaoh looked with appre hension at the increasing numbers of the Israelites. He saw also their might and feared lest they might join with some enemy and overcome the Egyptians.
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