
The sounds of the hustle and bustle of downtown Cornwall got a lot more melodic this week, with the introduction of a community piano. André Pommier, of Pommier Jewellers. located at the corner of Pitt and Second streets, this week unveiled the instrument that is already gaining popularity with music aficionados and pedestrians. “It got in and people started playing it as soon as we set it up,” said a beaming Pommier, whose Pommier Court at the busy city intersection now boasts the piano, as well as an ornate musical clock to help bring some sophistication to downtown. The piano was a gift from a family that wanted it saved from destruction. “(They) just saw that we are very community-minded and they thought it would be appropriate for our corner,” said Pommier, who wants to keep the piano out for three seasons of the year, but will likely store it for winter. “I don’t want it to freeze,” he said, and added the piano will be a great addition to Santa Claus parade celebrations that typically take place downtown and in Le Village. Pommier said the community piano is free to use as much as people want to enjoy some music outdoors. The instrument will be tarped up at night, but that shouldn’t stop people from enjoying it. “If people come out of the bars and want to play it after their night, they can just put the tarp back on,” said Pommier. — photo Cornwall B.I.A Downtown piano brings melodies to Cornwall

Local Legion donates $4000

The Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation recently received a $4000 donation from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297. The amount is part of the Cornwall Service Club Council’s pledge to raise $250,000 for children’s mental health programs. The new Community Addiction and Mental Health Centre is set to open later this fall. Pictured are Legion President Linda Fisher, Marvin Plumadore and Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation Executive Director Amy Gillespie. — supplied photo

Logement Marguerite d’Youville Inc. vous invite à son Assemblée générale annuelle le 16 novembre 2016 à 16h30 situé au 61-176 rue Marguerite d’Youville, Cornwall ON Au plaisir de vous accueillir! Pour renseignements : 613 930-2463

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

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