OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 2
14. We must be very fiscally responsible for the coming future. Have our rules and regulations enforced. 15. Someone developed it all before you heard from the membership...backwards. 16. Premier not, I don’t mind the smaller RVs 23-30 but due to lack of storage, their lots always look like campground cluster, not 5-star; keep the lot clean and your more than welcome. 17. I appreciate that the board is respectful of all owners, including those who are dog owners. 18. Financially stable operations - I hear some people complain about cost but I don't agree. However, I have one big problem with "sharing the cost". Although I don't use tennis or pickleball I feel that the "added cost" of those is small enough that they plus the pools, restrooms, landscaping ... would all be expected to be part of the HOA dues. However, I do use the golf course and feel that the added cost of golf is way out of line with the numbers of "MEMBERS PLAYING" - equipment, labor, on and on. I agree that there is an esthetic value that we should all share but the cost of golf is so great (I do not have numbers but would hope Management does). As such, because I am a pay as you go person, I feel strongly that an added payment for golf should be charged. How much? Get the numbers and come up with a reasonable method that I won't try to project but there are lots of options. 19. I have requested irrigation repairs numerous times. Due to a broken line in the park, dirt and debris has plugged up the irrigation heads. Also, one sprinkler head on 798 sprays water all over the side of my motor coach, I have called on this twice and I fear that they have given up on the plugged irrigation heads on our lot. These need to be resolved ASAP. 20. This is the first I've seen this. Need more visibility of it. I don't see a lot of mutual respect and consistent application of rules.
Edit vision statement for grammar.
Premier makes more sense to me than 5-star. I like the inclusiveness.
23. Decisions for improvements are often made over the summer & little owner input is allowed 24. Re: Mission Statement: the word 'excellent' may imply 'perfect' which may be difficult to attain...perhaps a better word is 'superior' or 'very high level' ??
Pretty words but the board's actions often do not live up to them.
26. The board needs to focus on keeping this Resort 5 star. And consistent to all owners. 27. Vision statements are a list of hopeful adjectives. Walking the talk is most important. All the great vision statements in the world don’t matter if the participants aren’t committed. 28. Words like “inclusivity”, and positive social culture for “all” are just words if not lived by. The golf committee needs to stop their hell-bent mission to control golf for their own special group.
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