OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 6
64. Vision statement - I don't believe the present board strives to be a premier resort. The reason I say that is I have never seen them make a decision based on what is best for the resort. The way this board makes the decisions is strictly by whether or not there is going to be opposition to their movement. A true board moves in what is best for the resort not in if they’re going to get voted out. They have to have vision as to what needs to be done for the future!!! 65. I don’t think the board is always consistent in their decision making. They have spoken to the maintenance crew several times about not doubling up the manpower to do minor repairs but get no results. They need to be firmer about this. 66. While overall I'm satisfied with what these statements are intended to do, I do not believe that facilities are up to standard, nor is there an overall good sense of community. 67. Vision: "Premier RV Resort is a cop out and should remain to be "Five Star Rated" to retain alignment to the modern world of review rankings for most every product and service provided on the internet. Example hotels, restaurants, amazon, and even doctors. "Premier" is a cop out and likely to be used by service providers who cannot or do not wish to be exposed as not achieving best in industry ranking. Mission: ...while maintaining excellent services through transparent and financially stable operations. Core Values: Add Leadership transparency
69. Under Core Values: Many owners do not trust the Board - seems they all have their own special interest groups that comes 1st and the owners comes 2nd. Board members talk outside of the Board Room about issues and people that should not be discuss - very unprofessional. 70. 1) All washers & dryers need to be in service all of the time. 2) Bella Roma is very important to the ORPS community, but I was unable to find their phone number on the website or in the ORPS map brochure (the only one found was in The Oracle). 71. VS - 5 star without internet coverage throughout the resort? Meantime keep paying $60 plus per month to Spectrum. CV- I believe there are a number of dog owners that do not mutually respect their neighbors by allowing their animals to defecate on Resort green areas and their neighbors lots instead of following Resort rules that prohibit these activities. 72. There seems to be more talk about wording and a lack of action on the items that are needed to make the vision possible. The mission should be for the good of park as a whole not certain areas due to minority influence, through financial responsibil ity. As long as people refuse to follow the rules as they are now and not their version of the rules there won't be cooperation and mutual respect throughout the park. As well do not try and satisfy the minority it is the majority that should have the last word.
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