OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 10
104. Very good 105. As there are more and more new people moving into the resort, there needs to be more thought into owners who are there in the summertime and maybe consider having board meetings in that time as well. Not just close down once the fall/winter people have left. It needs to be a year-round resort for all things. 106. In the vision statement it states excellent facilities; a walk around certain areas of the park and satellites show a very tired looking park with lack of maintenance. 107. The laundry machines working is less than 50%; therefore, very dissatisfied considering that it is paid for. It is a must with the situation with are all going through now that they are replaced. If they remain the way they are now there be less and less available machines, that will mean that the owners will have to use laundromats out of the resort, they will get more outside and that could bring more risks. Hygiene will be influenced negatively the more we use 3rd party laundry facilities. 108. Under “core values”, the word “inclusivity” should be deleted. Mutual Respect already covers it 109. Are the statements really true or just words put together by the board. How do you encourage others to actually live by them? Otherwise they are just meaningless statements. 110. The laundry areas have too many machines that need to be repaired. 111. Eliminate events that are private on golf course. In my opinion the golf Can-Am the motor coach and Christmas exclude people. This is a direct opposite of our core values. I could not imagine if pickleball or tennis tried to hold private events. 112. Mission Statement - HOA funds are being used for projects, etc. that do not reflect the issues that really need to be addressed in the resort, i.e.: old infrastructure that money needs to be set aside for replacement, monies spent on water feature on Ramon Road entrance that has been a problem for a few years already (need to figure something else out to replace that), Cable service that should updated so owners can receive cable for more channels and also with what is paid monthly should also include wifi. 113. Strive to perform to the owner's expectations. 114. Better communication for social events outside of sports activities. Also, the satellite areas are very important to the owners. It would be great to see better landscaping at several of these areas. Also, pool care seems to be lacking this year. 115. At Boeing we had to write statements above for various projects. It’s important that committees, projects, and tasks are bounced off of the statement’s contents above. Too often Vision/Mission statements and Core Values are put aside and not utilized enough in guiding one’s path. 116. What about transparency of governance and open communication? This should be acknowledged and a core value. Currently, lacking in commitment to and practice. 117. My feeling is these are just words, the real issue is does the staff and membership exemplify these? Staff not so much
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