OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 14
162. Our laundry in section C was a disgrace. Two machines not working for months! What happens to all the money they bring in??? 163. Facilities are not being kept up. Had to fight to get heat turned on in the winter, A/C in the heat, hot tubs often cool, scummy and have cloudy unappealing water. No service people on weekends when activity is greatest. Many items need better cleaning, repainting and freshened up. I have addressed this with manager and BOD with no response 164. The core values of the resort are frequently ignored by the board and committee members, including their misrepresentation of AA rules and CC and Rs, yet the frown upon owners who in their opinion do likewise. Just not great administrative diligence in ensuring rule management and interpretation of such. It’s the old do as I say, not as I do scenario 165. Not sure that everyone is treated the same. Is it that some people get treated better due to their relationship with board members? 166. The traditions of committees, volunteer influence & representation of owners’ wishes become less important each year as the millennial attitude keeps getting pushed into prominent areas. Some things have worked well from the beginning of the resort & should be retained and revitalized in the future. 167. More emphasis should be on maintenance. The posts for many street signs are rotting at the base, you can see they’re in poor shape and the street signs are often not even straight. Landscaping on the common property by Vintage is far from good and no supervision is present. 168. I am taking this survey after the board closing the golf course, pools and tennis/ pickle ball courts due to the virus . I feel these activities are safe and should be continued. I also wish we had better WiFi in the resort.
169. The word friendly is missing
170. My comments mostly indicate neutral. I'm only able to see the resort once per year. I am not able to utilize the facilities. 171. These are excellent statements, but they are not lived up to. The Lifestyle and Events office is a beyond difficult to work with. Throughout the year the customer service has been horrendous. I hope that further on in this survey there will be more questions about this. 172. The previous statement was only 1 year in existence. No such statement prior. The previous statement was well constructed and had meaning and purpose moving forward. This new one lacks substance, vision, and meaningless. Watered down so that the board can go any direction with no accountability to owners. Proof of a hidden agenda by this board. Reinstate the one you just butchered. Those who wrote and supported old statement were very qualified and put all necessary thought into process. This board did not ever ask or enquire of those who were instrumental in writing it and approving it. This board wasted time and energy that could have been much better utilized. They need to spend time enacting the original statement, rather than wasting effort to reinvent. Shows us this Board’s complete lack of Vision, Mission, and Core Values. When asked about changes, I was lied to by 4 board members. Disgraceful.
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