OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Clubhouse Comments/Suggestions Page 5
72. In the activities office, the girls are darling, friendly and their website work is stellar. However, they are too often late to work or absent, and too often close earlier than the posted time. 73. Kitchen area has taken a very long time to complete. It seems a whole building should have been able to be completed in a year 74. The Owners Lounge is a joke as no one ever uses it. There should be bar facilities in there for the owners. 75. When doing renovations should be programmed during spring till fall completed for the winter months
76. Pool Decks: Combined with the area's dusty environment (and the tile type
inappropriately selected for ES pool deck), the consistently dirty surfaces surrounding our pools is a discredit to overall appearance and, is a significant Slipping Hazard. The "hose it down" cleaning is not effective. Has a floor cleaning (scrub and vacuum) machine and an increased schedule for cleaning been considered for all pool decks including the Satellites which are disgustingly dirty?? Are Supervisors and staff encouraged or empowered to take action on obvious dirty conditions? A few examples: we all walk over the bird poop on the top of main entrance stairs at ES, it's been there since November. The storage area behind stage in ES filthy, ill organized. Duck poop at pool Satellite F exit ladder there for six weeks until I took a scrub brush to it before my grandchildren visited last week. Food and beverage outlets: Is it possible to move Marge's coffee shop type facility, along with the hairstylist and activities office to LP making LP a services mall (convenience store, spa etc.) so that a Bella Roma equivalent can be relocated to ES expanded in size and services (such as poolside bar).
The showers (poolside) are in need of mixer valve and faucet repair.
78. ES kitchen has been down for years both management and Board knew about the problems for years. 79. Get the kitchen back in service ASAP. Require facility users to keep the broadcast volume at a safe hearing level. Too often, the volume is so high that my ears hurt for days after an event.
LP needs to be kept at the same level as ES within financial responsibility
81. Just very disappointing that it could possibly take as long as it is to upgrade.
82. West Room needs better lighting, especially lights that can be dimmed for private events; and better control of HVAC, as it is often freezing in there. 83. My prime concern centers around cleanliness. The pool deck at ES is particularly troublesome. It requires deep cleaning with proper equipment vs hosing it down. The surface is slippery after washing and I have heard of residents falling because of the surface. Washing the deck prior to the users of the PB courts exacerbates the problem - dirty shoes equals a dirty pool deck. Myself and other owners have suggested some type of carpet runner for PB users to walk on. Changing the surrounding area to DG will add additional dirt and grime into the area. The floors in the showers inside and out need a deep clean as well to remove soap scum and hard water deposits.
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