OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 2
12. Sewer system is old and needs investigation as to when it needs to be replaced. Prioritize over cosmetic details. Money is often spent in irresponsible manner...i.e., slippery pool decking…poor color choice for dirt and staining. Who chooses these things?? No guidance from professionals? 13. Limit contractor access to fewer than 6 days a week and clarify rules/code of conduct for contractors. Remind employees and contractors that people live here, so loudness, music, vulgar language, yelling, urinating in the bushes, spitting, and so on aren’t really appreciated and are not acceptable. Zero tolerance. Management of staff seems poor. Change from reactive maintenance to proactive and hire appropriately trained manager and maintenance staff who focus on their jobs rather than side businesses in the resort. Change resort culture to emphasize hospitality industry principles. Facilities should be maintained year-round, and all satellites should remain open year round. We stayed here through the summer in 2019 and were shocked by how little maintenance and projects were completed from May through September (5 months, wasted). Since the Resort is open for business 12 months out of the year, it should look and act that way 12 months out of the year. 14. Fix the laundry facilities so the machines work. Pet relief areas need to be better maintained by the facility. Grass watered and kennels raked when leaves build up. Put signs up so people break down boxes when they put them in recycle. Do not allow smokers unless they are Traegers. Lots are too close together and cheaper smokers put out too much smoke and suffocate the neighbors. 15. Suggest maintenance proactively goes around to all facilities and does a punch list of repairs needed. For instance in the men's washroom in LP there is a sink that has been cracked for at least 2 years. I'm sure there are other things like this out there... 16. Should have one central mail room which has room for parcel delivery and longer hour availability. We should have more electronic communication (similar to the daily activity bulletin). Number of board members should be increased to allow wider representation. Various committees should continue as 'advisory' bodies communicating to the board. 17. The A & A committee should ONLY be responsible for evaluating owners' lots, NOT their RVs. A salaried ORPS compliance officer should have the responsibility of assuring that trailers and motor homes meet quality and esthetic standards with NO ARBITRARY AGE LIMIT as long as they are in good condition and well maintained. This individual should have a superior working knowledge of both RV appearance and mechanics, and should have no personal "axe to grind" with respect to any owner's unit. 18. Makes me sick to watch dog owners ride on golf carts or bikes while running their dogs. This must be banned at all times. The laundry facilities need to be repaired more often. Far too many machines are down at any time. 19. Better utilization of the maintenance area seems possible to me to allow improved garbage handling/storage and improve the dog walk. A complete remodel of that area may be required. Also, the Back 9 golf course seems underutilized. Suggest the computerized T-Times be configured to require play there at specified intervals, maybe every 10th play. You request a T-Time, the computer analyzes your history and selects front or back.
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