OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 50
393. Again In this survey much of what you talk about is changes to ES. We live by LP and I think it’s time to spend some of our money on it. Laundry facilities are very poor. I don’t know how much money I’ve lost in those machines. I know I can claim them but the process we go through to get the dollars back is not worth it. There are many people that use these and the maintenance at the main one in particular is beyond poor. This is a very important service in the resort. We would eat more at the restaurant if they had more choices. Food that they do have is OK but not great and is Italian. I think a restaurant is very nice to have but not everyone likes Italian. I would also like to point out that either administration or those people renting out their lots do not make it clear to renters what the rules are at the park. People don’t seem to be told what the regulations state on size of units being brought in, where their animals can pee, adhering to stop signs, not wearing proper clothing when walking at night or having flashlights (although this is members also), rules on pickleball and tennis courts etc. Prices have gone up for events in the park (those that include food in particular) and the food quality has not been all that great and not much of it. This is not just my opinion I have heard this from several others. We seem to be paying more and getting less. Also I’m wondering why we need to pay to rent a room in our clubhouse. We pay a lot to own in ORPS and I don’t think this should be a charge for us. We might as well rent. Keep in mind that for many years now we Canadians have spent a lot of money at ORPS and we have to pay 35-40 cents more on the dollar to live there. Therefore when prices go up for American citizens it is twofold for us. I do feel bad for the board members that try and run the meetings and have to deal with some of the petty fighting. Makes me wonder how old some of these people really are. Bless all those that put their names forward for these positions. I know you are working hard to make ORPS a Five Star resort and do hope that these surveys will assist you and all of us in reaching these goals. 394. Too many groups are using the facilities on a daily basis (example the quilt group in West Room 5-7 days per week) and if their usage time was limited, it would free up space for other groups. Usage of facilities by owners should be limited. Allowing groups to reserve rooms every week throughout the season for their private game nights should not be allowed. Consideration should be given to all owners. 395. ORPS is fantastic, which is why we purchased here. I only have 3 suggestions thus far based on this as our 2nd season here (we rented the 1st season; then purchased). 1. It would great to have a Golf Cart Washing area; so we could just drive up and rinse off the cart without having to do that on our lot; 2. It would be amazing to add a sidewalk off of Sunrise Circle (on the golf course area); as that gets a bit clogged up with walkers and cars; plus it's hard to see people at nighttime. 3. It would also be amazing to have overnight facilities for guests; like a hotel room or cabana sort of thing. Rent them by the night or week (not for seasonal rentals, just for guests so maybe a 2 week max or something). That would really be nice to keep guests/family close when they are in from out of town. 396. Very disappointed with the A&A Committee. It seems as they are run by one person and they have a personal agenda and treat each lot owner differently. Absolutely love the Resort and plan to spend many more years there. 397. Make sure lot & RV/5 th wheel appearance are up to standards.
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