OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Comments on Any Aspect of Outdoor Resort Page 52
409. 1) I like the improved attitude of security department. They were quite nasty last year. They have done a great job reducing theft. Excellent. 2) The board does not always make smart decisions – construction projects have been poorly designed & implemented. More professional assistance needed. They need to be more thoughtful & get feedback when unsure. 3) The park seems anti-dog/pet. We need a better park for them. 410. Need to do more maintenance; replace broken and misaligned curbing around landscaped area. Fresh paint or remove painted “stop” on roadway surface; add proper height stop signs where missing; paint metal railings. 411. Would like to improve my lot in ways that were not approved by the Building Committee. Very discouraging to work with. The board members need to allow higher end lot projects. 412. Lawn mowing has become sloppy. 413. I understand a plan is in place for a tennis court and feel this should be a priority to build & enhance the tennis community.
414. Keep HOA down; back wall lots need some security from the outside.
415. I absolutely hate where the dog area is – terrible smells from garbage containers. Health hazard for anyone with breathing issues or compromised immune system. 416. One aspect we have loved about ORPS is how green & lush it is versus other desert resorts. Rock or turf would negate the oasis of ORPD. 417. I do not think that we need a golf professional – regular golf starters are only needed. Money should be used to decrease HOA dues instead. 418. I do not think that we need a golf professional – regular golf employees to man the golf shack as before. The golf committee do a good job running Tuesdays and Thursday golf. Extra expense for this position is not needed and can be used elsewhere! Try decreasing HOA dues. 419. Continue to keep it a safe and beautiful place to enjoy. Resume Saturday evening dinner & dance activities. We appreciate the green grass and all the beautiful flowers. 420. I would like to see free WiFi throughout the Resort. 421. I would like to say the maintenance dispatch is very nice and does a good job. You call and the lady takes good care or the best she can. 422. Promote use of the “unknown” or “Secret Groups”; i.e., hiking, bicycling groups. These can be advertised as Resort Activities not sponsored by ORPS (if there’s an insurance issue). It’s hard to join a group if you don’t know when they meet. Enforce cleanliness of all lots and RVs. One lot is abandoned and falling apart with an awning that is shredded. It’s been that way for years. Why?
423. Cats eyes in center of all roads. There should not be any $15 charge to renters.
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