HSDC Alton Full Time Prospectus 2023/2024


OPEN EVENTS Open Events give you and your parents/ carers the opportunity to meet our teaching staff, speak to our current students, tour our facilities, get a feel for the atmosphere at the College and ask any questions you may have. During Open Events staff will also be on hand to provide information on careers, learning support, transport and student finance. YOUR INTERVIEW Once we have received your application you will be invited for your interview. This will be relatively informal, giving you the chance to discuss your Study Programme and find out more about the College. Once you have completed your interview and an appropriate Study Programme has been agreed, we will most likely offer you a place. You can choose to confirm your place at the interview or send us your acceptance a few days later. KEEPING IN TOUCH After you have accepted your place we’ll keep you up-to-date with all the latest news and events at the College via email. Therefore, please make sure you provide us with your most current email address. JANUARY 2023


OPEN EVENTS This is a further opportunity for you and your parents/carers to explore our facilities, meet our teaching staff and students and ask any further questions about College life at HSDC Alton.


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