NRG: Life Doesn't Have To Be A Pain In The Neck



LIFE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE A PAIN IN THE NECK “Pedal Through Your Pain With Real Treatments!”


One of the most common causes of headaches that are easily treatable with physiotherapy is radiating headaches, which are caused by stress in the joints and muscles of the neck. This causes pain to radiate from the top of the neck into the head, especially surrounding the ears. There are a lot of reasons why radiating headaches could develop, including as a result of lack of movement and stiffness in the neck. This buildup of irritation can be treated with regular physiotherapy, especially through the use of massage and flexibility exercises that target the muscles in the neck. Neck Pain 101. In many situations, pain that develops in the neck can be associated with one of twomajorproblems.Thefirst isupper-backpain that begins to radiate into the neck. The second is arthritis. Physiotherapy can be used to address both types of neck pain.

Cervicalarthritiscauses frequentaches in theneck and shoulders.This pain is generally worse when there are sudden changes in weather or at the end of the day, and while over-the-counter medication may make the pain less severe, it won’t eliminate the pain entirely. The biggest problem posed by cervical arthritis is that the pain will typically cause a loss of range of motion in the neck, which actually increases your risk of injury as a result of a sudden movement and causes regular discomfort and frustration as you are not able to utilize your neck in the way you normally could.There are plenty of situations in which pain in the neck as a result of cervical arthritis grows so severe that it can cause chronic poor posture and even a reduction in height. Call us today for more information!

INSIDE: AddressingTheCoreProblem RelieveNeckPainInMinutes HealthyRecipe PatientSuccessSpotlight

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