May Edition 2022 | BGN MAGAZINE


The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World God Creates His reflection as kind ,compassionate whose strength and grace is being assigned to be kept by angels ; her arms are molded into a cradle to hold her child. The divine mercy of motherhood to guide the fountain of infancy as a rainbow which is so gently curled over that tender stream. A mother is a breath of God who will always be there for you no matter what happens , whether the sunshine streams or the evil tempest hurls , as mother's prays are mingled with the Divinity in the skies. The little feet of a child which is created in mother's womb which is shaped and tuned to soothe the baby , the scent of her body is the air which is perfumed for the baby to breathe for the love of unforgotten times as none so devotional as a mother . A child always register the heavenly moments of motherhood , cherishing her smiles , tracing her frowns , imitating her style and rehears her the way she poses her head.

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