
Resources If you are concerned that you might have COVID-19 or have symptoms like the appearance or worsening of cough, fever, difficulty breathing and/or loss of smell or taste without nasal congestion, call one of the following phone numbers: 418 644-4545, 514 644-4545, 450 644-4545, 819 644-4545 or 1 877 644-4545 (toll free throughout Québec) to be directed to the appropriate resource. If you are a hard-of-hearing person, call 1 800 361-9596 (TTY toll free).

Face coverings Wearing a face covering is recommended in public settings whenever physical distancing is not possible. For example, this could be when you go shopping for groceries or take public transit. When you wear a face covering in public, you must also follow other safety measures, such as hygiene. If you are sick, stay home. If you must go to a medical clinic or the hospital, wear your face covering until you are given a procedure mask.

Children under 2 years of age and people with respiratory difficulties or who are handicapped or unable to remove their face covering without help, should not wear one. You can learn more about the correct use of a face covering and how to make one by viewing the short videos on the Government of Québec website: Qué


Face covering made of paper or a tightly woven fabric

Bandana or a tightly woven fabric

Qué / coronavirus 1 877 644-4545

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