Main duties and responsibilities The postholder will: Support schools and departments in achieving continuously improving health and safety performance, by focusing specifically on the following areas. Compliance with Legal Obligations • The development of a 3 year Health and Safety strategy for the University • To develop an annual Health and Safety plan for both the department and University regularly reporting on progress of the plan • To direct the corporate risk management and compliance strategy in relation to Health and Safety. • Lead the drive for continuous improvements in the safety culture within the University through the development of self-sustaining, proactive approaches to the Health and Safety agenda. • To ensure the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations as amended and statutory provisions, including the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005, are communicated to relevant staff. • To advise and assist the Vice-Chancellor, Directors, Heads of School, in the management of planning, organising, controlling and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for work, research and education. Monitoring safety performance • To ensure a tracking systems is in place for audit, inspection, accident findings/ recommendations and report on progress regularly to the Health and Safety Committee • Manage the implementation of both audit and inspection programmes drawing up reports on recommendations from inspections and audit findings while tracking progress of the recommendations implementation. • To monitor compliance with legislation, the University’s policy and Health and Safety management system bring significant risks and non-compliance to the attention of the University’s senior team, Health and Safety Committee and other relevant Committees of the University. • To develop, maintain and review the corporate Health and Safety policy, safety management system and arrangements in consultation with managers and employee representatives and to ensure the policy and associated guidance and procedures are communicated effectively throughout the University • To monitor and audit safety performance of Schools and Departments against legislation requirements, best practice and the University Health and Safety management systems.
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