Le Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Psychanalyse

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Lacan, J. (1949/1977). The mirror stage as formative of the function of the I as revealed in psychoanalytic experience. In Écrits: A Selection , Trans A. Sheridan. New York: WW Norton, 1977, vol.1-7. Lacan J. (1966). Ecrits , Paris, Seuil. Lagache, D (1961). Psychanalyse et structure de la personnalité , Paris : PUF. Lagache D. (1980). Le transfert et autres travaux psychanalytiques , Œuvres III (1952-1956) Paris, PUF. Lancelle, G. (1984). Desarrollo psíquico temprano y psicología psicoanalítica del self: reseña de los puntos de vista de Heinz Kohut [Early psychic development and psychoanalytic psychology of the self: Overview of Heinz Kohut’s viewpoint]. Psicoanálisis . 6(2-3): 451-461. Lancelle, G. (Ed.) (1999). El self en la teoría y en la práctica [The Self in Theory and Practice]. Buenos Aires: Paidós. Lanza Castelli, G. (2015). La mentalización, su arquitectura, funciones y aplicaciones prácticas [Mentalization, its structure, functions, and practical applications]. Retrieved from: https://www.mentalizacion.com.ar/mentalizacion_es.php Laplanche, J. (1987/89). Nuevos fundamentos para el psicoanálisis. La seducción originaria . Buenos Aires: Amorrortu [ New Foundations for Psychoanalysis . Trans. David Macey. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989]. Laplanche (1989a): Oeuvres complètes de Freud – Psychanalyse (“OCFP”) Paris: PUF. Laplanche, J (1989b). New Foundations for Psychoanalysis . Macey D Translator. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell Pub. Laplanche, J. (1999a). The unfinished Copernican revolution. In: Essays on Otherness , pp. 52- 83. (trans Thurston L) London and New York: Routledge.,. Laplanche, J. (1999b). Implantation, Intromission. In: Laplanche, J. Essays on Otherness, p.133-138. London and New York. Routledge. Laplanche, J. (1999c). The Unconscious and the Id . London. Rebus Press. (orig. work: 1981: Vol. IV, Problematique, Paris: PUF). Laplanche, J. (2011). Freud and the Sexual . The Unconscious in Translation . (House J, Ray N, Fletcher J, transl.). London: International Psychoanalytic Books. Laplanche, J & Fletcher, J (1993). Jean Laplanche: Seduction, Translation and the Drives. Fletcher J, Stanton M editors. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts. Lebovici S. Empathie et « enactment » dans le travail de contre-transfert, Rev. Franç. Psychanal , 58, Spécial Congrès, 1551-1562.


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