Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

C. Design Requirements. 1. A PUD must be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2. Any part of a fully developed PUD not used for structures, parking, loading areas, or accessways must be landscaped or otherwise improved . 3. Vehicle Access. The PUD site must be accessible from public roads that are adequate to carry the traffic likely to be generated by the proposed development. a. If traffic control signals are required to prevent traffic hazards or congestion in adjacent streets, they must be provided without expense to the City. 4. Sidewalks. PUD sidewalks must connect to adjacent existing or planned sidewalks. 5. Residential Density. A Preliminary PUD Plan containing residential buildings must specify a maximum residential density, in dwelling units per acre.

D. Overview of PUD Process. 1. Developer provides Preliminary PUD Plan to the Zoning Administrator for staff examination, to assure completeness. When complete, Preliminary PUD Plan is submitted to the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission for their review. 2. After providing required notice to nearby property owners, Planning Commission holds public hearing on Preliminary PUD Plan, and makes recommendation on approval to Governing Body. 3. If Preliminary PUD Plan is approved, Governing Body adopts ordinance to establish the PUD zone and any exceptions to the standards of its underlying zoning districts. a. City Clerk files Preliminary PUD Plan and its establishing ordinance with the County Register of Deeds. 4. Developer submits Final PUD Plat to Subdivision Administrator, for entire PUD or for an approved phase. 5. Planning Commission determines substantial compliance of Final PUD Plat with Preliminary PUD Plan , and makes recommendation on approval to Governing Body. 6. If Final PUD Plat is approved, Governing Body decides whether to accept any land dedications . a. City Clerk files Final PUD Plat with the County Register of Deeds. 7. If the PUD is developed in phases , repeat steps 4 through 6 as necessary to complete the Preliminary PUD Plan. 8. If necessary, the Preliminary PUD Plan may be amended , a Final PUD Plat may be replatted , or individual parcels may be allowed variances .

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Zoning Districts

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