Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

E. Preliminary PUD Plan. 1. Submit Preliminary PUD Plan to the Zoning Administrator to be examined for completeness, and scheduled with the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission for their review. a. The Preliminary PUD Plan must be jointly submitted by all owners of property within the boundaries of the PUD, including anyone with an enforceable proprietary interest in the land (such as a contract to purchase). 2. Contents of Preliminary PUD Plan. a. A Preliminary PUD Plan must contain all the contents required for a Preliminary Plat , as shown in Section 5-106 of the Subdivision Regulations. b. Required Documents . (1) Statement describing how the PUD conforms with the Comprehensive Plan . (2) Proposed exceptions to any provisions of the underlying zoning districts. (3) A statement signed by the developers, stating that the Preliminary PUD Plan is binding on all successors and assigns . (4) A proposed schedule of development. (5) The Planning Commission may also require a traffic study or other public infrastructure analyses to assess the impact of the proposed PUD. c. S ite plans. Drawings must include the following, when applicable: (1) Existing and proposed zoning districts, within and adjacent to the PUD. (2) Land uses on abutting properties, and principal types of land uses to be included in the PUD.

(3) All existing structures within and adjacent to the PUD, including their location, height in stories, type and use, as well as conceptual locations for proposed structures . (4) Concept utilities infrastructure plan , including necessary easements. (5) Concept drainage plan , including necessary easements. (6) Concept circulation plan , including provisions for vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Show streets, parking areas, paths and sidewalks within the PUD, and connections to adjacent streets, paths and sidewalks. (7) Concept open space plan for any public or common open space, including bodies of water, parks, playgrounds, school sites, and recreational facilities. (8) Concept screening and landscaping plan which meets the Site Plan Review Standards in Chapter 3.4, including preliminary sketches and a description of features. (9) Concept signs plan , including proposed heights and locations. (10) Concept phasing plan . d. In order to make potential conflicts clear, provide a single overall concept site plan showing the following elements. Show both existing elements which are to be retained, and proposed elements. (1) Structures. (2) Utilities infrastructure.

(3) Streets, bicycle paths, and sidewalks. (4) Open space, including bodies of water. (5) Screening and landscaping features. (6) Signs.

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Zoning Districts

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