Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

F. Public Hearing on Preliminary PUD Plan. The Planning Commission must hold a public hearing to consider approval or disapproval of a Preliminary PUD Plan. 1. The public hearing must be processed in the same manner as an amendment to the Zoning Regulations, meeting the same requirements for advertisement of the public hearing, factors to be considered, and protest petitions. (See Zoning Regulations, Section 12-100.) 2. A copy of the Planning Commission report must be provided to the developer , and must also be made available to any other interested persons. G. Adoption and Recording of Preliminary PUD Plan. 1. Governing Body Adoption. After the 14-day protest petition period, but within 44 days after the public hearing, the Governing Body must consider approval or disapproval of the Preliminary PUD Plan. a. Disapproval. If the Preliminary PUD Plan is disapproved, the developer must be provided with a written statement of the reasons for disapproval. b. Approval. A Preliminary PUD Plan may be either approved as submitted, or approved with alterations, conditions or restrictions as deemed necessary to ensure that it complies with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and of these Zoning Regulations. (1) If the PUD is approved with conditions, the developer has 30 days within which to file an acceptance of the alterations, restrictions or conditions. The acceptance must be filed with the City Clerk before an ordinance of approval for the Preliminary PUD Plan may be published.

c. Ordinance. In order to approve the Preliminary PUD Plan, the Governing Body must adopt an ordinance which: (1) Approves the Preliminary PUD Plan , specifying any alterations, conditions or restrictions imposed by the Governing Body. (2) Establishes a PUD Overlay District for the parcel or tract of land included in the Preliminary PUD Plan. (3) Incorporates a map showing the boundaries of the PUD Overlay District, and the boundaries of any underlying zoning districts within it. (4) Specifies the Zoning Regulations that will apply in the PUD Overlay District, and the extent to which provisions of underlying zoning districts have been varied or modified. 2. Recording Preliminary PUD Plan. a. Within 15 days after Governing Body adoption, the City Clerk must: (1) Certify and file the approved Preliminary PUD Plan and its establishing ordinance with the County Register of Deeds. (2) Provide a copy of the ordinance to the Zoning Administrator, and mail a certified copy to the PUD developer. (3) Make copies of any approved Preliminary PUD Plan and its establishing ordinance available to the public for inspection. b. When a Preliminary PUD Plan has been approved, the PUD Overlay District must be shown on the City's official Zoning Map .

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Zoning Districts

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