Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations
City of Andover Unified Development Manual

B. Exemptions to Applicability. Despite the jurisdiction and applicability requirements noted in the previous sections (Section 1-102 and 1-103A), these Zoning Regulations do not apply to the following structures and uses: 1. Equipment for the distribution of utility services to consumers, including communications, electricity, gas or water services, or the collection of sewage or surface water. Such equipment may include poles, wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals, pipes, mains, valves, etc. a. Exception: Utility substations , on or above the surface of the ground, are not exempt from the provisions of these Zoning Regulations. 2. Railroad tracks, signals, bridges, and similar facilities and equipment located on railroad rights-of-way, including maintenance and repair work on such facilities and equipment. 3. Buildings, structures or land owned and used by the federal government. a. Exception: Land leased by the federal government is not exempt from the provisions of these Zoning Regulations. 4. Land used for agriculture, including accessory buildings and structures which are not in a designated 1% annual chance floodplain. (See definition of FLOODPLAIN.) a. Any land or accessory buildings or structures which cease
b. AGRICULTURE is defined as the use of a tract of land under one ownership for growing crops, pasturage, horticulture, nurseries, or truck farms; for dairying, the raising of poultry, cattle or other livestock; for woodlots, tree rows, or forests; for non-producing open space or fallow fields; and for accessory uses, including structures which are not in a designated 1% annual chance floodplain which are used for carrying out agricultural operations. (See definition of FLOODPLAIN.) c. Agricultural land use must not include the following uses: (1) The maintenance and operation of commercial greenhouses or hydroponic farms, except in zoning districts where permitted. (2) The feeding, grazing or sheltering of domestic animals or fowl, for example horses, cows, swine, goats, chickens, pigeons, rabbits or fur-bearing animals, unless such animals or fowl are otherwise permitted by City laws or regulations. (3) The feeding or sheltering of cats, dogs and other pets. (4) Riding academies, livery or boarding stables, or dog kennels. (5) The feeding or disposal of community or collected garbage to animals. (6) The operation or maintenance of a stockyard or commercial feed lot, including the structures necessary for carrying out transportation operations, and the dwelling(s) of those owning or operating the premises. (7) Farm houses, which are considered to be single- family dwellings. (8) Retail sales as an accessory use, unless the same are otherwise permitted by City Zoning Regulations.
to be used for agriculture are subject to the requirements of these Zoning Regulations.
Main TOC Zoning TOC Title, Purpose, Jurisdiction & Applicability

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