Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

b. The Zoning Map must be marked as an "Official Copy", and show the Ordinance number and date of adoption of the Zoning Regulations or amendment it depicts, as well as a list of any revision dates. Each official copy of the Zoning Map must be signed by the Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk. (See K.S.A. 12-753.) c. The Zoning Administrator is responsible for seeing that Andover's Zoning Map is available to the public for inspection at all reasonable business hours. The Zoning Map is available for viewing at City Hall, and an interactive version of the Zoning Map is available on the City's website. 2. Andover's entire zoning jurisdiction, including all rights-of-way and bodies of water, is intended to be zoned. a. If any area in the zoning jurisdiction is not included in a district, as shown on the Zoning Map, it is deemed to be part of the most restrictive adjacent zoning district. 3. Zoning District Boundaries. The following general rules apply to the location of zoning district boundaries. a. Boundary lines follow section, lot or tract lines. b. Boundary lines follow the centerlines of rights-of-way, easements, railroads, or bodies of water. (1) All rights-of-way and bodies of water, if not specifically designated otherwise, are zoned the same as adjacent abutting property. c. Where a district boundary line divides a parcel or unsubdivided property in single ownership, the entire parcel is considered to be in the less restrictive district. (1) Exception: This rule does not apply if its application would increase the area of the less restrictive zone by more than 25%.

ARTICLE 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 100 Zoning Districts and Zoning Map A. Establishing Zoning Districts. Andover's zoning jurisdiction is hereby divided into zoning districts. Andover's zoning districts are described in Article 5 of these Zoning Regulations, and shown on the City's Official Zoning Map. 1. "Residential districts" means those districts in which residential uses are the main permitted use. 2. "Business districts" means those districts in which commercial uses are the main permitted uses. 3. "Industrial districts" means those districts in which industrial uses are the main permitted use. 4. "Mixed use districts" means those districts in which more than one category of use is permitted, such as residential mixed with commercial, or commercial mixed with industrial. 5. The special purpose districts — including the Protective Overlay District, the Arterial Transition Overlay District, and the Planned Unit Development District — are overlay zones, to be used in conjunction with other zoning districts. B. Zoning Map. 1. The boundaries of the districts described in Article 5 of these Zoning Regulations are as indicated on the City's Official Zoning Map. a. The Zoning Map is a part of these Zoning Regulations.

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General Provisions

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