Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

B. Moving Manufactured Homes, Mobile Homes. In spite of any other provisions of these Zoning Regulations, the Zoning Administrator may issue a zoning permit for relocation of a manufactured or mobile home when any of the following provisions apply. 1. Within a zoning district where a manufactured or mobile home is a permitted use, when one is moved off a zoning lot, another which meets the requirements of the district may be moved onto the zoning lot at any time. 2. If a legal nonconforming manufactured or mobile home is moved off a zoning lot, a replacement must be installed within 6 months , or the use must not be reestablished. a. Any replacement must be a manufactured home , which must be skirted or placed on a permanent-type, enclosed perimeter foundation within 60 days . b. For any replacement of such a home, any existing nonconforming lot size requirements or bulk regulations must not be increased in nonconformity. c. No newly acquired land can be used for a replacement of such a home. 3. Storage. No manufactured or mobile home, or any part of one, must be moved onto any zoning lot or parcel in any zoning district for storage purposes. 4. Temporary Location. Manufactured or mobile homes must not be temporarily located in any zoning district where they are not otherwise permitted. a. When used for offices in business or industrial districts, prefabricated mobile structures are permitted, but manufactured or mobile homes must be specifically permitted.

107 Authorizing Site Plan Approval A. Purpose. The purpose and intent of site plan approval is to: 1. Maintain a pleasant and visually appealing community appearance. 2. Promote public health and safety. 3. Enhance or preserve property values, and protect and support the long-term economic well-being of the City. 4. Encourage compatible arrangements of buildings, off-street parking, lighting, signs, landscaping, screening, ingress and egress, and drainage elements on development sites. 5. Control the aesthetics of redevelopment or new development as provided for in K.S.A. 12-755(a)(4) . B. Site Plan Review Committee. 1. A six-member Site Plan Review Committee must be nominated by the Mayor and approved by the Governing Body. a. A maximum of 3 members may reside outside the City in the Andover Planning Area; all other members must reside inside the city limits. b. One member must be a Governing Body member. c. Members must have experience or education in such fields as architectural design, landscaping, construction, traffic control, urban planning, historical preservation, public safety, civil engineering, local business ownership, or similar backgrounds. 2. Terms. Members must be appointed to serve staggered 3-year terms. a. If a vacancy occurs, an appointment must be made for the unexpired term of membership. 3. The Committee may elect its own officers, and adopt bylaws for conducting the transaction of business.

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General Provisions

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