Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 3 — Site Plan Review

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

B. Enforcement. If in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator or their designated representative the work does not comply with the application documents, the City may withhold issuance of any zoning permit, building permit, certificate of occupancy, or inspection required under the current City Zoning Regulations or building code, or the City may issue cease and desist orders for further development. 1. Ongoing Maintenance. Elements of an approved Site Plan, including landscaping, must be maintained in a condition which continues to meet Site Plan Approval standards. a. Site plan elements which are not maintained to the standards of the approved Site Plan are a zoning violation. (See Zoning Regulations, Section 10-104.) C. Appeals. 1. Where Site Plan Approval has been conducted by the Zoning Administrator , decisions of the Zoning Administrator may be appealed to the SPRC for reconsideration. 2. Where Site Plan Approval has been conducted by the SPRC , decisions of the SPRC may be appealed to the City Board of Zoning Appeals. a. An application for appeal to the City Board of Zoning Appeals must be submitted within 30 days after the SPRC decision . b. The Board of Zoning Appeals will consider the appeal, and make a determination based on the reasonableness of conditions attached to the issuance of the Applicant's zoning permit.

(2) A minimum of 3 affirmative votes are required for approval or disapproval. d. The Applicant may request a continuance of the Final Review to the following SPRC meeting, but may not request an indefinite deferral. (1) Approval of a continuance is at the discretion of the SPRC. H. Step 8: Approval or Disapproval. The Zoning Administrator will inform the Applicant of the Committee's decision, and provide the Applicant with a copy of the draft minutes of the Committee meeting in which the decision was made. 1. Administrative Adjustment. After the initial plan approval by the SPRC, minor revisions to the plans made necessary by unforeseen circumstances may be approved by the Zoning Administrator. 2. An approved Site Plan is valid for 5 years following the date of approval. a. If a project is not commenced within 5 years following

the date of approval, a new application must be submitted. The new application will supersede the previous application.

3.2.3 — Inspection, Enforcement and Appeals A . Inspection. All work shown on the Site Plan Approval application documents will be inspected by the Zoning Administrator or their designated representative, to determine conformance to the Site Plan Approval application documents. 1. At the Zoning Administrator's discretion, additional documentation to determine conformance may be required.

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