Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 3 — Site Plan Review

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

3. Design landscapes to enhance architectural features, strengthen vistas and important axes, and provide shade. 4. Select each project's plant palette to be harmonious with the architectural design, to provide good appearance, and provide interest in structure, texture, and color. a. Artificial trees, shrubs, vines, turf, or other plants are not allowed as an outside landscape material. 5. Enhance traffic ways and parking areas with landscaped spaces containing trees. a. Protect plants from injury by pedestrian or motor traffic, using appropriate curbs, tree guards, or other devices. 6. Property owners are encouraged to use water efficiently , employing xeriscaping principles where appropriate. a. Use hardscape materials in areas where plants are unlikely to thrive, along with carefully selected plants suitable for the conditions. C. Plant Materials. Select plant species and varieties that are hardy in the light and soil conditions where they are sited. Give preference to plants that are indigenous or adapted to the climate in Andover. 1. Plants installed to meet landscape requirements must be high-quality nursery-grown stock which meets the American Association of Nurserymen standards, as specified by the American National Standards Institute in "American Standard for Nursery Stock" ANSI Z60.1-2004 or as may be amended in the future. 2. Select trees from " Preferred Tree Species for South Central Kansas ", by the Kansas Forest Service. Select shrubs for parking lot screening, shrubs for foundation plantings, and turf seeds and sods from the lists in the "Landscape Ordinance Guidebook", by the Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department. Alternative selections must be specifically approved by the SPRC.

3. Select plant species and varieties that are appropriate at mature size for their location. a. Select plants that will not overhang or obstruct streets or sidewalks, conflicting with pedestrian or vehicular access. 4. Design plantings to provide year-round effects, selecting coniferous or broadleaf evergreen species for at least 1/3 of the required planting materials. 5. Utilize repetition and massing of plant varieties where appropriate, to increase impact. 6. Use a variety of flowering plants, groundcovers, shrubs, ornamental and shade trees, and evergreen materials. 7. M inimum Sizes. At the time of installation, trees and shrubs in required landscapes must meet the following minimum size requirements: a. Shade trees : 2-inch or greater caliper, measured at 6 inches above the ground. b. Ornamental trees : 1 ½ -inch or greater caliper, measured at 6 inches above the ground. c. Conifer/evergreen trees : 6 feet minimum in height. d. Shrubs: Minimum 2 gallon container size.

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