Andover Unified Development Manual

Part 2 — Unified Development Ordinance Zoning Regulations

City of Andover Unified Development Manual

3. Alterations and additions. a. No permanent additions must be made to any manufactured house which is not on a permanent foundation . b. For a manufactured house on a permanent foundation , all applicable building permits must be obtained before any permanent additions are made, and any addition must comply with all applicable provisions of these Zoning Regulations. 4. Combined units. No manufactured house must be combined with or attached to any other manufactured house, unless the units are specifically designed to be combined under U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 requirements. 5. Accessory buildings must not be attached to or structurally supported by a manufactured house, unless engineering calculations are provided to show that the existing manufactured house can safely sustain additional vertical and horizontal loads, and to substantiate any proposed structural connections. D. Permits and Inspections. 1. Permit . Any manufactured housing which is installed or relocated within the City of Andover must have a City Manufactured Housing Installation Permit . a. Permit must be obtained prior to installation. b. The permit is to ensure that manufactured housing is placed on footings or foundations, properly anchored, and skirted with an approved fire-resistive material.

2. Inspections. a. All construction work for which a Manufactured Housing Installation Permit is required is subject to inspection by the Andover Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement. (1) A survey of the lot by the Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement may be required to verify that the manufactured housing is located as shown in the approved plans. b. Notification. The permit Applicant must notify the code enforcement officer when the work is ready for inspection. (1) The request for inspection must be filed at least one working day prior to when the inspection is desired. (2) The request for inspection may be in writing, or by telephone or email, at the option of the code enforcement officer. c. Access. The permit Applicant must ensure that any permitted work is accessible for inspection. (1) The City of Andover is not liable for the cost of removing or replacing any material necessary to allow inspection. 3. Temporary Final Inspection. a. Manufactured housing must not be skirted until after the temporary final inspection is completed by the code enforcement officer. b. The temporary final inspection covers the following items: (1) Footings and setbacks, if required, before concrete is placed. (2) Stem wall, if required, before concrete is placed. (3) Blocking as required by Kansas statute K.S.A. 75-1231 et. seq .

(1) Permits and inspections for any other building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or construction work must be obtained as required by current City building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and health codes.

Main TOC Zoning TOC Provisions for Specific Uses

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