Good Night Oppy Scriptbook

ANGELA BASSETT (V.O.) Rover Diary:

Sol 5210. After almost 100 Sols without contact, the team is waiting with anticipation to hear from Opportunity.

ILM SFX ANIMATION: The sun peeks over the Mars horizon in a view of the planet from space.

ILM SFX ANIMATION: The sun shines brightly in the sky as the camera pans down across the hills to a shot of Oppy from above.


ANGELA BASSETT (V.O.) Rover Diary:

Sol 5292. It has now been more than 6 months since last contact with Opportunity. The dust storm is finally over.

ROB MANNING: So I had hopes that she would just wake up and say, “Oh, we’re alive.”

ILM SFX ANIMATION: MS OPPY from above: Her solar panels are covered in dust. Slow zoom in on her antenna. Camera lands on her antenna which has no lights. It is not sending or receiving signals.

ROB MANNING: But it just didn’t happen.

BEKAH SOSLAND-SIEGFRIEDT: She has autonomy onboard to wake up at certain times. And we know when that alarm will go off so we earthlings can try and communicate with her. So every day at that time we would try and try.

ANGELA BASSETT (V.O.) Rover Diary:

With time running short, and autumn now approaching, we have begun commanding more aggressively. We are listening every day for Opportunity to talk to us. BEKAH SOSLAND-SIEGFRIEDT: So NASA declared we were gonna try one last time to try and communicate with Opportunity and wake her up.



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