BouletPT_Find The Relief You Need



• Muscle Energy Techniques • Myofascial Release • Postural Re-Education/ Training • Therapeutic Exercise

• Cupping • Dry Needling • Electrical Stimulation • Ergonomic Training • IASTM • Joint Mobilization • Kinesio Taping • Laser Therapy • Manual Therapy

OCT 15, 6PM

Haveyouhad itwitharthritispain?Iswalkingexcruciating? Arestairs intimidating?Doyoustrugglewithstandingfor any lengthoftime?Haveyoubeenavoidingactivitieswith your friends and family because of the pain? Come learnwhatsuccessfulnaturaltreatmentmethods look likewithout theuseofdrugs, injections,orsurgery. Theworkshop isFREEtoallthatattend.Seating islimited, so call to reserve your chair at (337) 264-9856. Only 20 spots available for this workshop.

Upcoming Workshops: Arthritis – OCT 15 RTC & Shoulder Pain – NOV 19 RTC & Shoulder Pain – DEC 10

• Ultrasound • Vestibular Therapy

Call us at (337) 264-9856 to Register Today!


Keep up with your physical therapy exercises to relieve pain and prevent further injuries. If your pain doesn’t subside, consult with your therapist about what other things might be causing pain. HAS YOUR PA I N COME BACK?

Iarrived fourdaysaftersurgerywithakneethat did not want to bend, was consistently painful andanoverallstiffness inmybody. Ididnotrealize that a bad back and two bad knees had caused me to alter my gait and that my balance was also compromised. A consistent program of exercise and progressing reps broughtmyknee functionallyback.During that time,gait andbalanceexercisesreturnedme toacomfortableand relaxed walk. The laser program significantly reduced my pain. After eight weeks, I am essentially pain free. The most significant element of my P.T. experience was the honest compassion and caring of all of the staff for me as an individual. The upbeat attitude of everyone who cared for me allowed me to work on my exercises at home without discouragement. I will be back... and I know Iwillbereceivedwithknowledgeandcare.” - P. C.

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Call Boulet Physical Therapy & Wellness Institute for a

complimentary injury consultation. We will guide you so you can get back to the activities you love.


OCTOBER IS... NATIONAL PHYSICAL THERAPY MONTH! Winter is one of the most trying times of the year for those struggling with chronic pain. With the increased risk of falling due to icy conditions and cold weather aggravating the mildest arthritis, October is the perfect month to learn some of the most important benefits of physical therapy. 1. Physical therapy is most beneficial when used before an issue becomes chronic and even as a means to prevent future injury. 2. The best thing that you can do is seek treatment as immediately following the development of your pain as possible. 3. Physical therapy is the best strategy to overcome chronic pain and is helpful at all ages.

Hip Hikes While standing up on a step, lower one leg downward towards the floor by tilting your pelvis to the side. Then return thepelvis/legback toa leveled position. Repeat 3 times. Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.


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