W E find that speaking to men through the eye as well as through the ear holds the attention; this was very notice able during the past month at the shop meetings where a large dispensational chart was used to great advantage before quite a large gathering. The men were greatly interested, and as the simple story of the cross was brought out, there was deep conviction, and although the limited time prevented a direct invitation being given, we are assured the Word went home and “the day” will declare the result, for God will give the increase. The month has been a very encouraging one among the fire-engine houses where a general visitation work has been carried on. Our Christian workers have started out after lunch and continued the good work till as late as 7 o’clock. At every house were left large assortments of good clear gospel tracts- and colportage books, also circulars advertising the coming “Sun day Campaign.” There was a hearty re ception at most all these places where short, pointed gospel messages were given, and then off to another, thus as many as six houses were visited in one afternoon. This sowing of the seed must bring the
reaping by and by. At one of these recent meetings we had the joy of seeing a fine, stalwart captain step out from among the men and boldly confess the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour. When the clear gospel was presented and the invitation given his face at once lighted up as he declared his intention to write home immediately to his dear old Christian mother, almost 80 years of age, and tell her how he also had surrendered and taken Jesus as his personal Saviour. Can you picture the great joy of that mother’s heart when she opened that letter contain ing the good good news, after all those years of patient praying and waiting. Let me say that throughout all these meetings the interest shown in the coming revival campaign is most encouraging, and the many questions and remarks indicate that the volume of prayer going up to God from the many hearts that are truly exer cised in behalf of loved ones, is already hearing fruit and will increase as the Spirit of God draws us, who are His, more and more to our knees till the mighty out pouring will sweep multitudes to the feet of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom be all the glory.
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