King's Business - 1930-04

April 1930


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

to enter it again until He was taken there as a prisoner. He had talked with His disciples about His kingdom, and de­ clared Himself to be Judge and King, be­ fore whom all people should one day bow. The disciples dreamed of an earthly king­ dom and a glorious future, not under­ standing what He meant, or why He should talk of such suffering as He told them He must endure. Jesus had condemned the Pharisees, saying their house should be left unto them desolate. He was very tired, and went to Olivet to rest, followed by His disciples. As they came to the beautiful temple, they were amazed by His proph­ ecy that not one of those large stones should be left upon another. Some of them asked Him to explain (Mark 13:3), and He told them about His coming again, and of signs that would precede His coming. He told the parabie of the pounds, teaching the disciples and us to be watchful, faithful, prepared. Then He told the story of the ten virgins, or maidens. In the East, weddings usually took place in the evening. The bridegroom went to the home of the bride, returning with her to his own home «for the mar­ riage feast. Ten maidens with torches or lamps went out to meet the bridal party, passing in with them to the mar­ riage supper. Their lamps were kept burning while they waited, extra oil be­ ing taken to replenish their supply. In this story, only five of the maidens had brought additional oil. These felt no anxiety, knowing they were ready at any moment to meet the bridal procession. When at midnight the cry came that it was near, they arose, trimmed their lamps, put in their extra oil, and went forth. The other five maidens were careless, having made no preparation for delay, and their lamps were going out. They had neglected to bring oil enough to keep them burning until the bridegroom came. While they went to buy some, the bridal party came, the door was shut, and they were too late to enter. Christ will come again some day, as He said. He will come as Bridegroom, and those who are ready will enter in to the marriage feast. Those who are saved and watching for Him will be ready, no matter when He comes. They will have the “oil of grace” in their hearts. But those who have not made sure of oil in their lamps, who have been careless, neglectful, will be shut out forever from the presence of the Bridegroom. There will be no opportunity then to “buy oil.” The Christian’s lamp must be daily sup­ plied with “oil” if he would be ready to

B u t Once But once I pass this way, And then—no more, But once—and then, the silent door I pass this way. So while I may, With all my might I will essay Sweet comfort and delight To all I meet upon the pilgrim way. For no man travels twice The great highway That climbs through darkness up to light — Through night To day. — Anon. Swings on its hinges, Opens . . . closes — And no more

“ S n ow -B a l l ” Plan Turns Beginners into “ $1 a minute” Earners!

"Y o u showed me how I could earn $2,000 in f o u r months spare t i me— when I had an invalid h u s- band, a family and an 8-room house to take care of.”— Mrs. J e n n i e M. George, Pitts- ton, Penna. Amazing "never fail” plan makes it easy for you to start out—with no expe­ rience—earning $31 in 30 minutes, as Mrs. Maude Ensor of Baltimore, Mrs. Hart of Seat Pleasant and many others are doing. You take orders from church people and others for America’s most at­ tractively-priced and widely-known lines of Personalized stationery, Greeting and Christmas cards. Permanent, big pay positions now open, offering immediate cash incomes. Two Pay Checks Every Day!

□ Personal Stationery PI Xmas Cards □ Art Bridge Pads □ Business Stationery □ Pictoroils

Huge commissions, cash bonuses, extra cash prizes. We supply you with every­ thing you need and teach you the business. Write us at once! T h e P R O C E S S C O R P O R A T I O N Dept. 951-A, Troy at 21st St., Chicago

meet the heavenly Bridegroom. Our hearts are the lamps; the oil is the Holy Spirit; the Bridegroom is Christ. Is your lamp filled and burning daily? Do you let His- Spirit supply the oil that will keep your lamp brightly burning and ready at any time for the Bridegroom’s coming? Boys and girls need to make sure of this just as truly as older folks. Will you whisper to Jesus just now: “Give me ‘oil in my lamp,’ that I may be ready when the Bridegroom comes” ? P.rayer. Magna Grecia The Leopard (Dan. 8 :6) grows once again (as foretold) sleek and agile. “We have not perhaps fully appreciated,” says Sir Herbert Samuel, “the remarkable transformation that has been taking place in Greece. To any visitor who has not had reason to keep in touch with the events o f recent years the chief impres­ sion is one of surprise. The area of Greece has been doubled in the last twenty years. The population has been more than doubled. It was two-and-a-half mil­ lions ; it is now approaching six-and-a- half. Athens has expanded with still greater rapidity: it has become the larg­ est city in southeastern Europe, far sur­ passing Constantinople: the Acropolis towers above a spreading modern town, with a population of close upon a million people.” So The Contemporary Review (Dec. 1929) says:—“Mustapha Kemal has united the Greek nation as no Greek king or statesman has been able to unite them by his expulsion of the Greek population. As one travels over Greece the conviction is brought home that the foundation of Magna Grecia is well and truly laid and a new destiny opened.”— The Dawn. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative E vangelists and B ible W omen who are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., .Box B, 473 Green A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature.

YOUNEDNOT LOKFURTHERFORA SYSTEMOF BIBLE STUDY Sixteen Constructive and Comprehensive Correspondence Courses $1.00 to $7.00 All designed w ith the one view of giv ­ ing the student a practical w orking knowledge of the W ord of God. Printed in loose-leaf form (size 7% x 9% ) thereby m aking it convenient for student to insert betw een lessons notes of his own, and the exam inations taken throughout the study. Each student receives personal help w hile studying, and a certificate upon satisfactory com pletion of course. Enrollment fee includes all necessary study m aterial aside from your Bible. F IL L O U T—M A IL T O -D A Y C orrespondence School, ^ Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536 S. Hope St., L os A ngelés, Calif. Please send prospectus describ­ ing Home Bible Study Courses. Name....................................... ......................... A ddress................................................................

F A C T S T H A T S T A G G E R PÌ Western Canada today many children have never seen a Bible and have never been in Sunday School or at a Gospel service. Living in this progressive Dominion surrounded with the advantages of mod­ ern life they have never heard of the greatest event of history which was first made known to eastern shepherds 2,000 years ago—the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem, whose name was called Jesus, because He should save His people from their sins. OPEN DOORS On every hand doors are being opened for the C.S.S.M., w hich is pioneering in neglected parts, bringing to those isolated people the story of the Saviour’s love. $1,200.00 supports, a m issionary for a year, but it is im possible to press on unless Christian friends support us by their prayers and gifts. God m ay be calling you to partnership in th is work; w ill you respond? THE CANADIAN SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSION, 601 Lombard St., W innipeg, Man. Fundamental — Evangelical—Home Missionary

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