Strategic Plan 2023-2028
CONTENTS Mission and Strategy
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Actions and Highlights
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Mission The College of Liberal Arts builds a richer, more creative tomorrow through the rigorous study of human history, human expression, and the human mind. In disciplines ranging from Art to Anthropology, English to Economics, Policy to Psychology, we examine how meaning is made õ and how it can be remade. We equip students and society with tools to engage the most challenging issues: confronting the climate crisis; communicating truth in an era of misinformation; bringing nuance and context to public health discussion and policy development; valuing history and humanistic inquiry; dismantling systems of injustice; and nurturing creative expression. Strategy ,QWKHQH[WńYH\HDUVZHZLOOSLYRWWRZDUGVWKHNQRZOHGJHHFRQRPLHVRIWKH future. Today’s students will chart their professional paths in a wider variety RIńHOGVWKDQHYHUEHIRUHLQFOXGLQJPDQ\WKDWGRQ÷W\HWH[LVW7KH\VHHNDQ education that universities of the past could not have envisioned. We must meet their aspirations. CLA will be a bridge-builder, elevating collaborative opportunities and amplifying the visibility of innovative research and FUHDWLYHZRUN:HZLOOLQWHJUDWHWKHDUWVLQUHVHDUFKGLVFLSOLQHVDFURVVWKH University. We will create globally-relevant opportunities for all students, including those who cannot physically travel abroad. We will prioritize new technologies and pathways for student learning. The College of Liberal Arts will lead Oregon State University as a model of higher education for the public good.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Community Engagement and New Centers of Excellence Increase visibility across CLA’s areas of disciplinary activity: arts, humanities, and the social sciences. Foster creative and intentional synergies. Elevate collaborative research and creative work across Schools, the College and the University. Expand CLA’s engaged scholarship and community engagement within and beyond OSU.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Action 1.1
Action 1.3
Action 1.6
Develop the OSU Policy Analysis Laboratory into a Center for Public Policy Analysis, bringing together community clients, students, and researchers to analyze real-world policy problems, apply policy expertise to public problems, and train students with hands-on DSSOLFDWLRQVRIWKHLUDQDO\WLFVNLOOV
Expand the Center for the Humanities’ programming to public and underserved audiences.
Expand research and access to mental health care by launching the new Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program to serve the University, Corvallis community, the state, and nation with culturally competent, evidence-based mental health services. Service delivery will include innovative virtual spaces to reach rural, disabled, minoritized, and other underserved communities.
Action 1.4
Create a Center for Material Cultures Research in Archaeology, Art History, and Indigenous Studies that incorporates leading-edge technologies and methods in object analysis, conservation, and digital preservation.
Action 1.2
Integrate the Center for the Humanities, the Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts, and the Collaborative Innovation Center. Highlight the shared impact of the arts and humanities on science, technology, ethics, policy, global relations, and regional and national issues.
Action 1.5
Establish a designated Indigenous Studies curation, teaching, research, and community space in )DLUEDQNV+DOO
Highlights of our progress will be seen through:
• Three stories per year featured on CLA website, highlighting synergistic, cross-disciplinary UHVHDUFKDQGFUHDWLYHZRUN • Inclusion of CLA engaged scholarship within Carnegie Community Engagement FODVVLńFDWLRQUHYLHZ
• One or more events hosted each year õ including symposia, lecture and/or artist series, etc.—to highlight research and teaching within Archaeology, Arts, and Indigenous Studies. • One event per year for tribal partners, hosted by CLA in coordination with the Center for Material Cultures Research.
• Increase in support for researchers and increased support IRUH[SDQGLQJWKHLQŅXHQFHRI WKHLUZRUN
• Increase in Campaign support and large research grants secured.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Research and Creative Activity Support Empower the College’s experts to advance cutting- edge research, scholarship, and creative activity. Attract top researchers and leaders to CLA. Increase industry partnerships. Secure new sources of funding.
Action 2.1
Action 2.3
Amplify the visibility of faculty research via multiple channels, LQFOXGLQJPDUNHWLQJDQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQVHŃRUWVIRFXVHG VRFLDOPHGLDSODFHPHQWD6SHDNHUV and/or Moderators Bureau, and
Inventory research and creative space, equipment, facilities, and computing/software resources.
Action 2.4
dynamic College and School webpages and new media.
Inventory current external partnerships across CLA and OSU, DVZHOODVQRQSURńWVFRPPXQLW\ organizations, and industry groups. Expand CLA faculty roles in collaborations, partnerships, and grants.
Action 2.2
Support and advance research and creative activity by diversifying faculty. Prioritize hiring BIPOC faculty and strategic hires, including cluster hiring and other innovative means of addressing faculty diversity.
Action 2.5
Establish a Dean’s Fund to elevate the number of CLA grant and fellowship applications.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Highlights of our progress will be seen through:
• Increase in the number of search advocates, including search advocate status earned and maintained by all School Directors.
• Established structure for recognizing external partnerships.
• Increase in social media HQJDJHPHQWDQGZHEVLWHWUDņFWR content related to faculty research.
• Increase in faculty involvement in collaborations, partnerships, and grants. • Increase in number of grant applications and awards catalyzed by Dean’s program in research support.
• Increase in number of faculty fellowships and writing residencies.
• Visible, accessible inventory of external partnerships.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Student Learning Integrate BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, and other minoritized populations’ experiences, voices, and history into college curricula. Increase access to education, providing inclusive academic excellence without barriers õ physically, virtually, and through emerging delivery methods. Advance innovative practices at the intersections of disciplines and contexts within CLA and across OSU.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Action 3.1
Action 3.4
Action 3.7
Launch a new CLA Core with required courses for all CLA majors in career preparation, experiential OHDUQLQJDQGD&/$VSHFLńF Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) course.
%UHDNGRZQEDUULHUVIRUWHDP teaching through innovative delivery methods and strengthened support structures. Create a matching fund for designated team-teaching support IRUIDFXOW\ZLWKLQD6FKRROWRZRUN with faculty in other disciplines, within or beyond the College.
In every school, increase FUHGHQWLDOLQJFHUWLńFDWHVDQGQRQ credit learning beyond traditional classroom learning, including Professional and Continuing Education (PACE), non-credit, and Community Learning.
Action 3.2
Action 3.8
Evaluate existing programs for relevance to current and future learners. Create a signature program in each School that has high growth potential and VXSSRUWVWZHQW\ńUVWFHQWXU\ learning.
Action 3.5
Further develop Marine Studies (MAST) as a signature OSU program.
2ŃHUVWXGHQWVIURPHDFK&/$ major experiential learning opportunities such as applied projects and course capstones.
Action 3.9
Inventory classes, space, and technology related to pedagogy LQ&/$ORRNLQJIRUFUHDWLYH transdisciplinary curriculum opportunities.
Action 3.3
Action 3.6
Establish School committees to audit and evaluate School-level FXUULFXODU'(,HŃRUWVDQGWDNH appropriate actions to remediate GHńFLWV
Require a career preparation class in each major. Train at least two faculty members in each School to be Career Champions.
Highlights of our progress will be seen through:
• Expansion of cross-disciplinary and cross-College collaborative programs. • Increase in student participation in applied projects, capstone projects and experiential learning.
þ$VLJQLńFDQWLPSURYHPHQW in the number of high impact practices employed in each School and their integration into curriculum, including, but not limited to, global learning opportunities, undergraduate
research, common out-of-class intellectual experiences, service- and community-based learning and internships.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Arts Consolidation and Integration
Capitalize on the historic philanthropic investment in the Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts (PRAx) to catalyze arts-based engagement with research, to elevate creativity within the R1 mission, and bring national visibility to OSU’s programs with timely cultural topics.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Action 4.1
Action 4.4
Action 4.6
Build, develop, and program PRAx in accordance with its own strategic plan to ensure that arts and creativity represent signature areas of CLA research, distinction, and impact.
Guide students in the development of interdisciplinary creative practices that resonate with their lived experience, amplify a diversity of voices, and prepare them for the professional industries they will shape in the coming decades. Create new points of entry to the arts as well as pathways that connect disciplines and practitioners throughout and beyond the School of Visual, Performing, and Design Arts.
that includes artist residencies, broader-impacts partnerships, and transdisciplinary collaborations with research labs, field stations, community sites, and in virtual environments.
Action 4.2
Action 4.5
Energize live performances, installations, and exhibitions in the School of Visual, Performing, and Design Arts through the venues and professional services of PRAx.
Develop a transdisciplinary degree
century creative environment,
Action 4.3
sonic, textual, narrative, and visual mediums.
Action 4.7
Strategically use PRAx to catalyze a higher level of regional and national visibility for arts- related faculty across CLA arts-related areas.
Establish at least one program, series, residency opportunity, co- presented arts activity, or formal partnership in collaboration with each of OSU’s eleven Colleges.
Highlights of our progress will be seen through:
• Achievement of metrics and qualitative results stated in the PRAx’s strategic plan, including growth in residency programs, number of audience/visitors, and the number/scale/breadth of partnerships.
• Increase in both CLA Arts- and Humanities-related grants and CLA’s participation in grants across OSU that can include an Arts/Humanities component. • Creation of an interdisciplinary arts degree and achieve enrollment targets set by program/unit leaders.
• Increase in student enrollment in existing SVPDA areas and in Arts-related areas in other Schools, including new degree programs and support for cross-disciplinary collaborations around initiatives
• Creation and implementation of the SVPDA Student Art Season, tracking number and scope of
events and size of audience/visitors.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Global Engagement Challenge and broaden perspectives through increased support for international travel and global learning experiences. Establish the CLA International Studies degree as a signature OSU program.
Action 5.1
Action 5.3
Action 5.4
Inventory all current CLA global learning opportunities. Develop at least one new opportunity for global engagement in each School.
$PSOLI\DQGVKRZFDVHWKHZRUN of globally-engaged scholars WKURXJK&/$0DUNHWLQJDQG Communication, with a structure to support post- travel panels, presentations, and opportunities for research communication and exchange.
Restore commencement and transcript recognition for CLA International Studies degree.
Action 5.5
Action 5.2
Pilot faculty exchange programs with partner international universities.
Generate a portfolio of opportunities and resources, including nonmobile global
experiences, virtual internships, engagement with sovereign tribal QDWLRQVJOREDOQHWZRUNVDQG online-based international curricula.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Highlights of our progress will be seen through:
• Increase in the number of CLA global learning opportunities, including at least one additional opportunity within each School. • Increase in participation of faculty members and students in global learning opportunities. • Establishment of CLA committee/management team to lead global engagement opportunities.
• Increase in engagement with CLA websites and social media channels highlighting CLA global engagement opportunities, aligned ZLWKHVWDEOLVKHGEHQFKPDUNVDQG NH\SHUIRUPDQFHLQGLFDWRUV
• Ongoing development of videos, panels, and presentations for CLA
faculty to highlight global engagement opportunities.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Fundraising and Alumni Engagement Partner with the OSU Foundation and the Alumni Association to cultivate and secure philanthropic investments. Engage alumni in support of College goals and vision.
Action 6.1
Action 6.3
As a College, fully participate in “Believe It: The Campaign for Oregon State University” to surpass CLA’s ambitious fundraising goal of at least $60 million and engage at least 3,500 alumni annually.
Establish an alumni and friends advisory committee in each of CLA’s seven Schools with emphasis on volunteer opportunities that support School goals and initiatives.
Action 6.2
Use the goals and actions stated in this strategic plan to complete the CLA Campaign Case Statement DQGGHYHORSVSHFLńFFDPSDLJQ fundraising and engagement initiatives across the College.
Highlights of our progress will be seen through:
• At least $60 million raised and at least 3,500 alumni and friends engaged annually—as measured in OSU Foundation and OSU Alumni Association campaign reports. • Clear alignment of initiatives within Campaign Case Statement and CLA Annual and Campaign fundraising and engagement goals.
• Establishment of seven volunteer advisory groups, including one for each school, targeting four to six initial members. • Utilization of OSU/OSUAAS WUDFNLQJV\VWHPVWRLPSURYH engagement with alumni, volunteers, and advisory groups.
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
College of Liberal Arts Deans Office 200 Bexell Hall Corvallis, OR 97331
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