August, 1942
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
also to that full possession of all things in Christ, and in that w ill find quietness and peace forever. Points and Problems . 1. "Cause every man to go out from me" (Gen. 45:1). It is evident that the entire plea of Judah recorded in the former chapter had taken place in the presence of the Egyptian officials and attendants, but n ow the t i m e for reconciliation has come, and this is a matter for only those who are con cerned. The public is shut out. There is a very practical lesson here: Eecon* ciliations between men .are best ac-# complished when they are by them selves with no spectators present. 2. “ And the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard" (v. 2). Prob ably it was not the sound of Joseph’s weeping that was heard, but rather the news that his-brethren had come into Egypt (see verse 16 for the right idea). Notice also the distinction made here between the “Egyptians” on the one hand and the “house of Pharaoh” on the other. In past years critics puzzled a great deal over this distinc tion which occurs other places in the Book of Genesis. The mystery has been solved by historical and archeo logical research, however, and we know now that at this period in the history of Egypt the country was not ruled by native Egyptians, but by a line of Pharaohs established on the throne by invaders from the desert These invaders are Sometimes known as the Hyksos kings, that is, Shepherd Kings. Thus the distinction made by the writer of Genesis is absolutely ac curate historically. And this explains the favor of Pharaoh and the hatred 6 f the native Egyptians (46:31-34). To Pharàoh, Jacob was a Hyksos or Shep herd prince! 3. "It was not you that sent me hither, but God" (v. 8). We might specie of this verse as the Romans 8:28' of the Book of Genesis. It is a wonderful thing to be able to see in some wrong done to you an evidence of the hand of God dealing in love. Joseph might recognize the wrong, and the meanness of' motive, but he also could see beyond the offense. And he knew what some Christians have never learned; n a m e l y , that nothing can touch the child of God without God’s permission and loving purpose. Thus, instead of holding ani mosity against the b r e t h r e n who wronged him, he looks at the divine purpose. * No less than three times Joseph affirms that it was God that Sent him into Egypt. And he men tions two reasons: first, “God did send me before you to preserve life” (v. j5); and second, “ God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth” (v. 7). Thus two great ends were served: the saving of great num bers Of men and women and children
Dr. Frank H. Guernsey
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OPTOMETRIST 415 Park Central Bldg.
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412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill
VAndike 1928
Los Angeles
who must otherwise have starved, and the perpetuation of the Messianic na tion and line. Think what issues hung upon the last! Golden Text Illustration E p h e s ia n s 4:32 A benevolent doctor had the cus tom, as he went through his books and saw this debt and that debt and realized that it was not paid because the patient could not pay it, of put ting a red pen-mark through the debt, and writing by the side of it, “For given; unable to pay.” The man died, and after his death, his wife looked through the books and came upon these marks. “My husband has for given people a lot of money. I could do with that money very well now,” and she took it into the county court, and there sued every one of those debtors for the money. The Judge said to her, "How do you know the money is owed?” " I have it in my husband’s book,” and she put the book up and showed him. "Oh, yes; is this your husband’s writing?” he asked. “Yes.” “Then,” he said, “ no court in the world will give you a verdict against those people when your husband, With his own pen, has written, ‘Forgiven; unable to pay.” ’—Life of Faith in 1,001 Illustrations for Pulpit and Plat form, by Webb. When Brothers Forgive G e n e s is 45 MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another” (Eph. 4:32). APPROACH: A mother once taught her children our memory verse for to day. One day she heard a great com motion in the yard, and her little four-year-old daughter burst into the room crying. " W h y , d e a r ,
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what is the mat ter?” ' a s k e d her mother. T h e child sob bed, “ You k n o w that v e r s e y o u taught us — that ‘b e i n g y e kind’ one?Well, brother’s
5 -Division
not ‘being ye kind’ to me at all.”
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