King's Business - 1943-08


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

August, 1942

Bible Institute

FAMILY CIRCLE John A. Hubbard of the Institute fac­ ulty. Officers who were elected to guide the Alumni Association in the coming year were Dudley L. Girod, B. Th. ’38—President; Lester F. Wendt, B. Th. '36—Vice President; Helen J. White, ’20—Secretary, and Avalon L. Bergstrom, ’34—Treasurer. . Bible Institute Men in Service The Biola Alumni Association re­ alizes that its record of the number of graduates and former students of the Institute who are now serving in the armed forces of the United States is far from complete. The Alumni As­ sociation secretary w ill be grateful to receive further information as to for­ mer students in service. A partial list of service men is as follows: Louis W. Aery, ’40; Edward Archuletta; Warren Belknap; Waldo Balzer; Robert Blakeman; Lester Car­ michael; Byron Chase (Army Chap­ lain) y John Clay, '40; Chester A. Englund, ’30; Robert Goertz; Robert L. Griffin; Caryle Hamner; Richard Hjorth; Robert Holsinger; DeWitt Jack- son; Maurice Jack; Donald Johnson, '41; Frank Kanda; John W. Kopp, ’33 (Navy Chaplain); Vernon Latshaw; Edwin May; Harlan Meyer, ’36; Mur­ dock Morrison, ’33 (Army Chaplain); E. Edwin Paulson, ’23 (Army Chap­ lain ); Lawrence Peet, B.Th., ’40; Glenn Poole; Arthur Powell; Arlo Robbins; Marvin Shipp, ’40; Eugene Smith; Frank L. Tetro; Clarence Tso; Steve Watkins, ’40; Ralph Wetmore; Lester Yocum. Those who registered to enter the camps for conscientious objectors and are serving in various nonmilitary capacities include Winfred Brown, A l­ bert Claassen, Walter Haag, Jacob Quiring, Milton Thiessen, Leonard Wiebe, ’37.

fall. Former students attending Camp Wycliffe include Bethel Bower, B. Chr. Ed. '40; Marjorie Douglass; Esther El­ liott, ’39; Ben Elson, ’42; Berenice Herr, '42; Sarah Ingram, ’42; Geneva Kosher, '42; Ray Larsen, B. Th. '40; Neil (’41) and Mrs. Nellis (Jane Goodner, ’40); Mary Nolt, B. Chr. Ed. ’40; Charles ( ’36)' and Mrs. Olvey; Marie Schroeder, ’42; Marian Settles, '42; Lawrence Simpson, ’32; Milton, (B. Th. .’42) and Mrs. Warkentin (Clara Neufeli, ’42), Dorothy Wright, *42, and Allen Far- son. Members of the present student body in attendance include Ruth Mary Brown, Ed Case, James Halbert, Am­ brose McMahon, Velma Pickett, Dean Pittman, and Moses Sabina. Eugene A. Nida, formerly Professor of Biblical Languages at the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, is Director, of Camp Wycliffe. Mrs. Kenneth Pike (Evelyn Griset), whose husband is Di­ rector of the Summer Institute of Lin­ guistics at Camp Wycliffe, has been serving on the staff as an instructor in Phonetics. Biola Graduates in Other Institutions The Bible Institute of Los Angeles was represented among four thousand graduates of the University of Cal­ ifornia at Berkeley by Evelyn Stewart, [Continued on Page 319] Married Clifford Anderson and Esther Loven, June 20, Los Angeles, Calif. Leslie Morris Gonnsen and Elizabeth L. Cocking, June 20, Detroit, Mich. Menno W. Kroeker, ’42, and Rebecca Ellen Morford, June 20, Glendale, Calif. Robert MacPherson, ’42, and Edith Miller, June 21, Alhambra, Calif. ; Jerome McCraw and Grace M. 'Hunt, '38, June 12, Williams, Ariz. Ralph C. Oden and Cathryn V. Thomas, June 21, Los Angeles, Calif. .' E. Wayne Roberts, B. Th. '41, and Louise A. Kraaipael, June 2, Colorado Springs, Colo. Born To Oran R. and Mrs. Bell (Arslfaloos Bedrosian, ’40), a son, Robert Daniel, July 11, Fresno, Calif. To Joseph M. (’40) and Mrs. Cope­ land (Gene S. Gilbert, ’41), a son, David, July 9, Long Beach, Calif. To Paul (Th. B. ’40) and Mrs. Coulombe, a daughter, Marilyn Marie, June 28, Williams, Ariz. To Vernon E. (’40) and Mrs. Eagle (Dulcie M. Jones), a son, Eldon Mans­ field, May 29, Los Angeles, Calif. To Edward (’40) and Mrs. Nash (Ida Sanchez), a daughter, Esther Mae, June 30, Aromas, Calif. To Walter H. ( ’37) and Mrs. Wagner ( ’40), a son, Walter David, April 1, Torrance, Calif.

Ajumni Fellowship Reunion On June 8 , the Monday of Com­ mencement week at Biola, alumni and Other former students of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles met in the In­ stitute dining room for their annual spring fellowship dinner and program. Among those in the group were workers representing various fields as follows: Africa—Mabel Crawford, ’27; Harry and Mrs. Hurlburt (Alice Phair); Raymond (’33) and Mrs. Rogers (Del- mar Howard, ’33); Chauncey B. (’21) and Mrs. Sheldon (Hattie L. Cope, ’22); A. P. ( ’16) and Mrs. Uhlinger (Birdie De Hoog, ’16) and Mrs. Winifred Urban (Winifred Williams, ’17); Bolivia— Alice Foote, ’32, and Arrie Rouintree, '34; China—Katherine Baerg, ’28 (more recently of Sumatra); Wilda A. Miller, ’32; Ralph C. (’18) and Mrs. Scoville (Helen Small, ’18), and Oscar F. Wal­ ton, ’24; Guatemala—Mrs. Lawrence E. Simpson (Helen Hubbard, ’30); Japan —Mary Hall, ’17; Philippine Islands— Bethel France, ’24, and Syria—F. R. and Mrs. Saadeh (Gudrun C. Estvad, •24). Among graduates serving in the United States, many of whom had come considerable distances to attend the gathering, the following were in­ troduced to the assembled group: C. H. Charlton, ’17 (American Sunday School Union) and daughters Ruth (Biola ’42) and Mrs. David Weitzel (Lois Charl­ ton, ’37); Thelma Drongesen, ’31 (teaching at Selma, Calif.); Melvin Frlesen, B. Th. ’40 (pastor of First Baptist Church, Bandon, Ore.); Sarah Hiebert, ’24 (teaching in Reedley Bible School, Reedley, Calif.); Egon Hofer, ’35 (farming, and also teaching in Reedley Bible School); Mae Huntley, ’25 (nursing in Washington); Dyllis James, ’32 (now nursing in Los An­ geles—served for a year as U. S. Army nurse at Camp Roberts, Calif.); Chap­ lain and Mrs. Ira E. King (Dorothy Thompson, ’19) of the Los Angeles Jail Commission; Alan S. (’19) and Mrs. Pearce (First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif., where Mr. Pearce is as­ sociate pastor); Grace Ogg, ’26 (Child Evangelism Fellowship); J. V. Rich­ ards, ’-36 (migrant work); Iris Schwartz, ’39 (now Mrs. Charles Girton), Indian work; Mrs. Vincent Steffan (Elsie .Hammarlund, ’17); Eloise Stickney, ¿36; Arthur F. Witt, ’16 (American Sun­ day School Union), and Mrs. Jacob Wiens (Susie Willems, ’32), of Hanford, Calif., who conducts girls’ summer camps, and helps in a Chinese chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Wiens have three chil­ dren). The program of music and greetings closed with a devotional message by

A t Camp Wycliffe Among the 130 young people en­ rolled at this summer’s session of Camp Wycliffe on the University of Oklahoma campus at Norman, Okla., are twenty former students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and seven students who have used the bummer for this training before con­ tinuing their studies at Biola in the

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