The Good News Story

STUDENT AND STAFF WELLBEING Our Pastoral Care (PC) program fosters individual student wellbeing through a focus on Christian attitudes and values. In the Junior Years, the PC program is integrated into teaching and learning, with a particular focus on the ten IB Learner Profiles: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective. In Year 6, there is an extra emphasis on building skills for a week long interstate camp. For students in Years 7 and 8, the PC program centres on self-development and leadership. Students begin to prepare for Year 9 and the opportunity to apply for Middle Years leadership roles. Students in Year 9 participate in a dedicated program introduced in 2021: The Rite Journey. Through class activities, discussions, challenges, a mentoring program, family partnership and several all-day experiences, students are empowered to be confident, purpose-driven and faith- filled. The Rite Journey is built around the seven Cs: Courage, Collaboration, Consideration, Compassion, Commitment, Connection and Camp. It concludes with a special Homecoming Ceremony, where students are presented with a Rite Journey Challenge badge and certificate. In the Senior Years, students begin each day with a PC session, chapel or assembly. They also have one dedicated period per week with their Pastoral Care teacher, who typically moves with the same student cohort through Years 10, 11 and 12. This helps ensure a genuine connection between students and their Pastoral Care teacher. The Senior PC program centres around this key question: ‘God gives us the days, but how do we manage those days spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally and culturally?’ From developing emotional self-regulation to building healthy relationships, students develop the skills and self-awareness they will need to create positive lives beyond school. Devotions, discussions, prayer, mindfulness sessions, and camps and retreats are among the activities that support this development. For staff, starting each day with a morning devotion helps to create a connection with Christ and gives staff the opportunity to reflect on their professional and personal lives. Teachers, education support staff, College leaders, pastors and special guests lead these daily devotions. Morning devotions for students and staff are a longstanding GNLC tradition that was originally introduced by our first Principal, Roger Schwarz. SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE FROM OUR PASTORS Since the College’s inception, Congregational and College Pastors have played a vital role supporting staff and students and contributing to the worship and devotional life of the school. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Pastors regularly visited the school to conduct morning devotion and offer ministry. Pastors have also assisted with Lutheran teaching accreditation, run staff Bible study groups and served as spiritual counsellors to the Principal and staff. Led by Pastor Mark Winter, who joined the College and church community in 2008, the College ministry team expanded to include Joshua Hauser as Chaplain and Leanne Miller as Counsellor. Pastor Peter Janetzki was the first dedicated Pastor to the College, appointed in 2016. Reflecting on his role over the past six years and what it has meant to be part of the Good News community, Peter reflected: “What will I miss most? The kids! It has truly been an honour and delight to build relationships with students and get to know them and their life circumstances. To introduce students to Jesus’ love, in my capacity as an ordained servant of the Lutheran Church of Australia, is truly an awesome privilege and gift. The rich and unique tapestry of God’s amazing creation is certainly in evidence on this campus.” Pastor Peter Janetzki, College Pastor 2016 – 2022 “We have been fortunate to be blessed over the years with Pastors who have provided spiritual guidance and so much more. The comfort of their presence through the challenging times has been significant and Pastor Peter has been especially good at reminding us to celebrate and give thanks when things are going well.” Fiona McAuliffe, Principal



From its earliest days as Good News Primary School, genuine pastoral care has been a defining feature of the student, staff and parent experience at our school.



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