Cannapages Jan/Feb 2024 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Vol 11. Edition 1

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Myth Begets Myth In the midst of a picturesque summer one year, a peculiar traveler arrived in town, bearing an ancient map rumored to lead to the legendary Vapo Grove, far on the other side of the Highlands. Legend told of an old mystic who used experimental magic similar to a Tesla coil, to vaporize the smake. Gathering a small group of fellow adven- turers, Quill set o into the dense wilder- ness. e journey proved treacherous: wild beasts, challenging terrains, and mysterious enchantments shied the very fabric of real- ity. is was also, because they were smaking caviar-covered blunts the entire traverse.

light, reecting the heat and mirages of the landscape. Intrigued by her dedication, Quill struck up a conversation as they roasted her ne hash on his rig--and a bond formed. United by a common love for their cra and smake, eodore and Isabella returned to his home, with plans to collaborate on a collection to “rule them all.” But in the heart of neighboring Lambsbread, a new dabberhasher named Victor orne emerged. orne was a charismatic creator whose amboyant zig zag designs and bold multi-chamber innovations captivated all. Everyone forgot of Quill’s generosity and in- novative simplicity in his aordable wares.

Quill was “ripped as a shorn macaque” as he stood, listening in the silence. For a few minutes the group whis- pered madly of megafauna coursing just beyond them in the shadows where they’d be surely trampled to death.

Grappling with self-doubt, Quill retreated into the dimly lit connes of his workshop. No one knew what he was working upon, and he was unseen for a fortnight. When nally he emerged, he showcased a selec- tion beyond compare, demonstrating what would become the rst titanium nailware. orne responded by showcasing a collec- tion of dab rigs in sparkling glass, somehow pre-lled with hashes and reefer. No one knew where the smakery came from, but couldn’t help but embrace pre-loaded cheefry. However, it wasn’t long aer people began nding things in their hash like lint and fuzz, orne’s boogers and hair from his cat, that his wares went unsold and his business fell eventually into ruin. Quill now took orne's customers and, with Isabella at his side, expanded Quill's Finery hillside, now slinging the butters and waxes of his spouse. Already recognized county-wide, the new shop became a desti- nation de force and its attraction of constant patrons help revitalize the local ecannomy.

e travelers stumbled upon an ethereal clearing bathed in the glow of moonlight. Quill was “ripped as a shorn macaque” as he stood, listening in the silence. For a few minutes the group whispered madly of megafauna coursing just beyond them in the shadows where they’d be surely trampled to death. Aer a while it was determined the coursing sound was instead a rushing brook. All of a sudden, a guardian oated above them in the midst, "aglow in heavenly wonder." It was then that Quill and his posse realized they were not in the middle of a thick fog, but rather, the dank billowing updras from deep, giant volcanic chambers. In another light--and aer they’d acquiesced to the sweet disorientation--they could see the keeper of knowledge was standing on a stool and wrapped in Christmas lights.

Quill would go on to bring the magic of elec- tricity to the world of smakery, and the rest is history. You can see it for yourself now, and all stages of his life, at the museum that stands today where the Grand Finery once did. Learn More at the DabberHasher Museum, or visit the gishop at

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