Cannapages Jan/Feb 2024 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Note from the Editors


e Highest Authority Since 2009

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Mike G. Customer Success Molly Norton Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

What you hold in your hands, if you can believe it, marks over ten years of the Cannapages Directory & Digest , which rst printed in January 2014, as the doors of Rec sales opened across Colorado. Not many can say they were there when it started- -but you, the reader, can. We completed this journey together. For a community and industry that began as a tight knit family we’ve been blessed to make it this far and long, all in one piece. You might remember the rst KushCons that came to town back in those days, or Lopez’s original 420 rallies before the cir- cus. You might remember the MMAPA parties, and NORML meeting on the Capitol steps. No matter what you can recall, it's been a wild ride. e editors thank everyone who has ever made this publication a success, from our rag tag early sales crew to the production team, developers, artists and budtenders who've all helped Cannapages establish roots here, and be part of your experience. We really love and appreciate all of you. Hats o to to you as we wrap up the decade and look to the great one beyond.

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OTHER HEADLINES CannaTown investigating huge waves hitting suburbs “Doesn’t make sense on this high desert plain” Fans celebrate 1st ever mention of weed in radio song

Greater Denver/Boulder Southern Colorado

pg 150 pg 157 pg 166 pg 171

Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

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Pratt to voice Orphan Annie

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