PJ Service Areas Flipbook

Representative Projects SaginawTrail Pipeline Construction (MI)

Completed ROW clearing along an approximately 18 mile corridor which included placement of foot and haul mats, installation of parallel fencing, access road clearing, and construction of temporary fence gaps. An additional 75 miles of ROW clearing will be completed between 2018 and 2020. OhioValleyMidstream12”Pipeline Construction (PA) Completed ROW clearing along an approximately 49 mile corridor which included grinding of cleared debris, access road construction, placement of mats, installation of parallel fencing, and miscellaneous gate installation. Ruby Pipeline Construction (UT, NV, &OR) Completed ROW clearing along an approximately 130 mile corridor which included reduction and disposal of vegetative debris, placement of mats for access roads, and construction of temporary fence gaps. Tiger Pipeline Construction (LA) Completed ROW clearing along an approximately 26 mile corridor which included disposal of tree stumps and placement of mats for access roads. Project schedule required production average of not less than 10,000 feet clearing per day. Apex Expansion -Wasatch Loop Construction (UT) Completed ROW clearing along an approximately 24 mile corridor which included reduction of vegetation using chipping/grinding methods and disposal of reduced debris through either placement within the ROW or burning. Midcontinent Express Pipeline Construction (MS) Completed ROW clearing along an approximately 64 mile corridor which included placement of mats in delineated wetland areas and construction of temporary fence gaps. Rockies Express Pipeline Construction (Multiple States) Completed ROW clearing (125 feet in width) along an approximately 450 mile corridor which included vegetation reduction using tub grinders, bush hog mowing of crop lands, access road construction, placement of mats in delineated wetland areas, and construction of temporary fence gaps. Gulf Crossing Pipeline Construction (TX, LA, &MS) Completed ROW clearing (100 to 200 feet in width) along an approximately 72 mile corridor which included reduction of vegetative debris, placement of mats in delineated wetland areas, and construction of temporary fence gaps.



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