Creative Projects at Home

Sowing Seeds at Home

Most seeds will do well when started off indoors. Seeds generally need a higher temperature to germinate than they need to grow. By starting seeds indoors, you can prolong and stagger the growing season.

Big Seeds (e.g. Peas, Beans, Pumpkins) ig Seeds (e.g. eas, eans, u pkins)

Bigger seeds do better if they are given their own pot to start with and you can minimise root disturbance by using compostable pots. These toilet roll pots are easy to make! • Follow the previous sheet to make some toilet roll pots. • Pots were filled to just ¾ way full with multipurpose compost. • One pea seed was placed in each pot. • Fit as many pots in as you can into the tray, as they support each other and last longer before biodegrading when well packed. • After the seeds were sown the pots, the were watered carefully and the transparent seed tray lid placed over the top. The trays used in this picture are called half trays as they are smaller than the standard ones. A plastic take away container or plastic lunch box could have the same affect! • If you keep the cover on, the seeds should not need to be watered again until after they germinate. Keeping the transparent cover on keeps them warmer, keeps the moisture from evaporation and encourages growth. • Keep the cover on till most of the seedlings have germinated. • Once they have germinated remove the cover but keep them inside untill they have grown at least two sets of leaves. Bigger seeds do better if they are given their o n pot to start ith and you can ini ise root disturbance by using co postable pots. These toilet roll pots are easy to ake! • Follo the previous sheet to ake so e toilet roll pots. • Pots ere filled to just ay full ith ultipurpose co post. • ne pea seed as placed in each pot. • Fit as any pots in as you can into the tray, as they support each other and last longer before biodegrading hen ell packed. • After the seeds ere so n the pots, the ere atered carefully and the transparent seed tray lid placed over the top. The trays used in this picture are called half trays as they are s aller than the standard ones. A plastic take a ay container or plastic lunch box could also work! • If you keep the cover on, the seeds should not need to be watered again until after they germinate. Keeping the transparent cover on keeps them warmer, keeps the moisture from evaporation and encourages growth. • Keep the cover on till most of the seedlings have germinated. • Once they have germinated remove the cover but keep them inside untill they have grown at least two sets of leaves.



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